Husband does not understand how painful this is...HELP


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Re: Husband does not understand how painful this is...HELP

Postby Fyourmermaid » 27 Feb 2017, 00:03

I eat oatmeal in the morning. About 4-5 prunes a day. Granola bar. Salad of greens. Wheat toast. Bellpeppers. I am taking colace and drink metamucil one time a day. I am in most paim when i use the bathroom. I have also a small amount of blood tinged fluid that ive noticed when i wake up in the morning from my bum. I am already on day 7 and im worried thay the pain feels more severe than before the surgery.
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Re: Husband does not understand how painful this is...HELP

Postby chachacha » 27 Feb 2017, 11:01

I think that you should contact the surgeon's office and tell them how much pain you're in (and don't make light of it!). Also remind the secretary about which procedures you had, because she may think your pain normal if you'd had a hemorrhoidectomy, for example, and just pooh pooh your pain, and say that it was normal for just a week out. Tell her that the doctor said that the pain should have subsided by day two or three and that you are very concerned about this.
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Re: Husband does not understand how painful this is...HELP

Postby Fyourmermaid » 27 Feb 2017, 11:11

The nurse is due to call me today and i will definitely tell her about it. She does know the surgery type and she has told me its normal. I woke up today with not alot of pain this morning. My pain level when i used the restroom was about a 4 versus a 7 usually. I hope this continues!
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Re: Husband does not understand how painful this is...HELP

Postby chachacha » 27 Feb 2017, 11:41

So the nurse told you that this pain is normal but the surgeon said otherwise?

Great that things seem to be improving though and I hope that you are feeling back to normal soon.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
LIS January, 2015
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