I'm a Newbie

Here's my story... any advice appreciated!

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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 27 Dec 2013, 14:28

Yes we will! Awww that's sweet of you! :) x All the best!
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 15 Jan 2014, 14:48

Just wanted to check in & say hi & I hope all fellow sufferers are finding some relief! :)

Also to announce that I'm so excited as my new CRS appointment is only 4 days away! Here's hoping for a sympathetic CRS & finally some answers! It's been a loooong year to say the least!

Sending healing vibes to all! :) x
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby owmybum » 17 Jan 2014, 14:48

Hi...... And good luck with your appointment. Don't forget to let us know how you get on!!

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 20 Jan 2014, 02:37

Hi, thank you OMB! :) x

Well the day had arrived & today I met the most compassionate, friendly & down to earth CRS & felt totally confident in both his demeanour & approach!

He too isn’t 100% certain about what is going on down there due to my complex symptoms yet suggested a plan of attack as a process of elimination. He suggested to do a colonoscopy under anaesthesia & to remove that dreaded skin tag/sentinel pile that constantly causes irritation at the same time & in the event that a fissure is evident that he would also perform LIS.

He was extremely confident about the LIS surgery & informed me that he’s had a 90% success rate with performing the operation. In the other 10% of his cases the only reason as to why they were unsuccessful was that he didn’t cut in enough. He explained the risks in regards to incontinence & assured me that they are minimal so long as you have a careful surgeon. He made it very clear that the risks are increased depending on the length of the cut performed by a surgeon & that he will only make the smallest snip possible. He mentioned that I will most definitely hate him for at least a few days after surgery.

I asked about MRI scanning & he as my GP had told me before said that these scans do not pick up fissures.

Although I feel comfortable in following his plan (if it means the only way to finally & hopefully rid myself from this pain) but I just wanted to ask anyone out there, if anyone would be aware of any other probable causes that spring to mind or someone may have experienced that could possibly also cause such an array of complex symptoms? I know that if there is no fissure that he wouldn’t perform LIS but I’d hate to go through all the rigmarole of this only to NOT find any relief. I suppose it may be a risk I have to take, best I harden up & learn to cop it on the chin, lol. No, lol I’m just panicked & although I need it sorted as soon as possible I just need to be certain in my mind that it is actually a fissure & if surgery is really my only option in the end. He did not even mention Botox & in all honesty I forgot to ask! :/

Any feedback or advice would be greatly appreciated & thank you for providing such a supportive place where these issues can be brain stormed & discussed. It has been a life line!

Healing vibes to all fellow sufferers... may this discomfort be a distant memory for all!

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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 24 Jan 2014, 13:19

Hello again all,
I have a silly question :confused: but was wondering if it is possible to still feel pain such as the burning, itching, aching, stabbing from a fissure once healed?
As I’ve mentioned before my pain has improved & decreased in intensity over the last month or so since the initial onset but still has its moments. It has improved in the sense that I’m not completely bed ridden anymore & going insane from the pain like I was but it feels like it’s a touch & go situation & that any wrong move could possibly set me back to that dark, dark place I had just recently surfaced from.
Is it possible that a fissure may heal without surgical intervention considering this duration of time? Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what I have gathered by reading up on the subject is that if it will heal on its own that it usually does within 6-8 weeks. Mine’s almost been a year now.
Am I holding onto false hope or can it still heal gradually over time on its own? I’m not too keen on the idea of surgery & would like to avoid it if at all possible but how long do I wait? The pain & discomfort is still enough to prevent me from resuming a completely normal worry free butt life but I am so afraid to mess up how far I have come by undergoing the suggested Colonoscopy along with tag removal & possible LIS at the same time if required.
My CRS said that if it is in fact a fissure it is located higher up as there is no evidence visible on or near the anus opening by what he can see other than the skin tag/sentinel pile that often occurs due to fissures.
I’m so afraid that the scope may aggravate the site & set me back to square one. Can this often be the case? I can’t go back to that horrible, horrible place again as I barely held it together the first time after the most excruciating attack that lasted 9 months. I just want to function & live again!
Feeling a little broken tonight as just experienced a harder than usual BM & the spasm started along with that internal ache, itch & burn; now I just :pray: that it will settle a lot quicker than what it used to.

:groan: :butthurts:
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby owmybum » 25 Jan 2014, 03:52

Hi pooologist,

It is certainly possible for a fissure to heal on its own, even after the 8 week mark.
I have suffered mine for near on 3 years now.... And over those years it's not always been a matter of excruciating pain. Indeed I have had months of very mild discomfort.... Dare I say nearly pain free.
The one thing about this board is that once peeps heal, they tend to leave us and get on with their life.... And who can blame them right??!.... So don't loose heart that you will never heal without surgery, as you absolutely can.....

I hope you are not suffering from your difficult bm xx

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 26 Jan 2014, 13:49


Thank you for your response! I think I really needed to hear that! I will hang in there & see where this road takes me as I'm not overly keen on surgery & right now my insurance would not cover me for another 6 months either... so good excuse to hold off & see how my body will heal. It has served me well in the past when I had my infection that started all the GI issues off, so here's hoping I will also conquer this! :) I did however have an increased amount of pain since last post but am praying it will come good again soon!

Thanks again & I hope you are doing well! :)

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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby Poo-ologist » 12 Mar 2014, 14:46

Hi all!

Sending all fellow sufferers big hugs & healing vibes! Hope you are all finding relief & on the road to a pain free existence!
I’m still holding in there & having both good & bad days but for the moment allowing my body some time to hopefully heal without the need for LIS.

My pain levels still vary although in the last month or so I’ve been able to get out & do a little more. I still experience the burning, itching, stabbing, tightening pains but am coping with the level of pain on most days. I can’t really tell if they’re improving or whether I’m just getting more accustomed to pain & the sensations. I still feel as though it’s all touch & go & on some days fear of falling back into the thick of it!

I just wanted to check in & take the time to thank everyone in this forum for what you have all done for me! I had initially stumbled across this forum through a very dark time in my life, not unlike the most of you. This experience along with two decades of chronic incapacitating IBS in its full blown glory & gynaecological issues to boot have caused me enough problems to leave an enormous impact on my life. Without this forum I honestly don’t know where I would have been through this last stint!

We all cope so very differently with our problems & I for one no longer disclose much to those I know in person other than my nearest & dearest as from years of experience with illness have found that the majority of people whom have never suffered from or walked in ones shoes don’t truly understand or really care to. Rather sad really, but on here it’s an entirely different ball game; people do care & want to help each other!

Peoples story’s, advice, support, reassurance & the general sincere concern for others that I’ve read & experienced on here is a total breath of fresh air! Thank you all for your contributions as I’m certain I’m not only speaking for myself when I say... “it truly is a life line!”

Take care everyone & keep spreading the info. & love!
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby owmybum » 12 Mar 2014, 15:56

Here here poo-ologist...... Well said!!!

I'm glad to see you are still hanging on in there, and coping better with the pain!!

:smilyhug: :smilyhug:

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: I'm a Newbie

Postby rio » 12 Mar 2014, 16:42

Hi PO! All this butt related pain is so difficult to bare and it is strange that some of us suffer for such a long time. I found some much needed comfort here. To have a place to talk about pain with fellow sufferers soothes my anxiety many times.
Hope you will improve from now on.
Disabling burning, drilling pain in anal area for almost a year, started after UT infection. Small anal fissure diagnosed, turned out it is probably not the cause of pain, MRI shows no inflammation or fistula. Grateful to forum members for support.
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