I'm gonna fucking kill myself

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Re: I'm gonna fucking kill myself

Postby AJStyles » 04 May 2017, 14:24

I live in germany, much better health care over here too. So thats no the problem...

I am not using stool softeners no, it just causes me to go full diarrhea mode. I am watching my food and drinking lots of lots of water, and since a month i didnt have one bad BM. Always soft, 1-2 Times a day.
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Re: I'm gonna fucking kill myself

Postby ResMePlz » 04 May 2017, 14:35

I had talked to my surgeon after I looked at the site and worried about an abscess because it was super swollen. He said its normal and as long as I'm getting better daily/weekly then everything is fine.
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Re: I'm gonna fucking kill myself

Postby Bum_UK » 04 May 2017, 14:36

German health care is excellent. It's fantastic in Luxembourg too. I'm in awe as the NHS in the UK is shockingly poor. At least to an outsider.
Call your surgeon tomorrow morning and ask. They should be happy to answer any questions you have.

Which stool softeners have you tried? They are quite different and it might be worth trying another one. I use Movicol, two sachets a day at the moment, and it keeps things soft but not too soft. It will however do that if I use too much. Lactulose doesn't work at all for me, not using the normal dosage at least.
I hope you find something that gives you soft BMs but not too soft.
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Re: I'm gonna fucking kill myself

Postby AJStyles » 04 May 2017, 14:41

I dont know why i should use movicol if i dont have any problems with my BM? It IS already soft, why should i keep using stool softeners? Lol
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Re: I'm gonna fucking kill myself

Postby Bum_UK » 04 May 2017, 15:09

I guess that's a valid point! ;)

You're lucky to have nice soft BMs without any stool softeners. I keep a perfect diet and I still need stool softeners to avoid having to push the BMs out. The softeners mean the BMs come out without any pushing of any kind which ought to be good for the fissure.
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