by Talesofmytail » 03 Feb 2019, 16:57
Hey, Missy. Yeah, I've had an active infection for at least a month. I'm feeling pretty awful and have had low grade fevers off and on. I actually have one right now. I think my CRS misdiagnosed my pain as stemming from a fissure, but it seems it was actually an abscess that has since caused a fistula. I feel like there's a lot of misdiagnosis associated with these ailments. I also asked to be tested for Crohn's, but my CRS didn't think it was necessary. Just waiting for my insurance company to approve a surgery now.
Began suffering: 9/6/18
Dx'd with fissure: 9/27/18
Began diltiazem & Miralax: 9/27/18
Began physical therapy: 10/26/18
Acupuncture: 12/08 - 12/22/18
Began nifedapine: 12/29/18
Dx'd with small, superficial abscess, started Cipro & Flagyl: 1/2/19