Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

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Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 19 Apr 2024, 07:58

I had LIS and skin tag removal 5 months ago.
First few weels were fantastic. Then suddenly i got complications.
It got to the stage where i was getting what felt like inflamation in my bacl passage every other week. In addition to this my sphincter would tighten up just before a bowel movement. The inflamation gets very bad and is eased only by a syringe of instillagel once or twice a week.
I improved things a bit by sitz baths after a BM also saline solution after a BM and then a shower. Sanitising my sitz bath after each use also helped and i didnt have inflamation for 2 weeks. Now its back.
Sitting has consistantly caused issues for the lads 4 years and despite LIS it still does. I have been referred to pelvic floor physio but any suggestions and observations would be welcome. Emotionally this has took its toll.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Rich44 » 24 Apr 2024, 15:03

You literally have to re-learn how to mentally have a BM post LIS. The stress and tension mentally from having endured the fissure for so long complicates having a BM in many ways. My suggestion is relax, relax, relax. Calm your mind. Eventually things should normalize. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. LIS should fix everything.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 26 Apr 2024, 17:05

Thankyou for the reply. Any tips on relaxation?
I take things slow and try my best to relax. Its now 4 months since the op. Im guessing tge inflammation is just caused by the stool passing through a tight sphincter.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 27 Apr 2024, 16:16

If anyone can offer some advice i would be truly grateful.
A 4 year nightmare!!
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby dmcff » 28 Apr 2024, 09:06

Unfortunately on this forum we can't offer medical advice - we are not doctors, and this is not a healthcare facility.

You need to contact your doctor, colorectal surgeon or other medical caregiver right away and tell them what you have written here in your original post.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 28 Apr 2024, 11:03

To clarify, like most users on this forum i have not asked for medical advice. I am however looking for friendly advice. As the top of this page states:
"Welcome! Discuss your experiences, share your stories and get friendly help and advice".

My consultant is aware but unfortunately here in the UK our healthcare system is broken so it may be sometime before i get help.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Hazey123 » 29 Apr 2024, 11:05

I do think skin tag removal is very very painful and takes a long time to recover from. I wonder if it’s this that’s causing you issues. I’ve had a lot of trouble following my surgery for this. I try to relax I think someone above said you need to relearn how to have a BM as the trauma is so great after a fissure. I do a lot of deep breathing and tell myself it won’t hurt it won’t hurt!! It helps a bit. Good luck I hope it eases. This stuff does take its toll.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Rich44 » 29 Apr 2024, 14:46

My theory based on personal experience (and I am not a doctor) is anything that helps you have an easier BM is a bad idea in the long run. You need to learn to naturally have a pain-free BM without help. You are doing sitz baths post BM which is perfectly fine.

The reason a fissure can take forever to heal is mental. We tighten up for fear of pain and by tightening up we restrict the blood flood needed to heal the fissure and the cycle repeats itself endlessly. Then we take medications to make it easier like a stool softeners which can make the stool too soft and you tighten up even more. The stool must be bulky for a healthy normal BM.

Sitz baths after a BM are great and I recommend them. But if you are still having problems after you have a BM all while still doing sitz baths afterwards you should see the specialist again for further discussion. After the LIS and skin tag removal you should be on easy street.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 04 Aug 2024, 12:08

Unfortunately getting to see my consultant is very difficult here in the UK. Our health system is on its knees.

That being said, my consultant referred me to a pelvic floor physio which i saw 2 weeks ago. I was terribly inflamed and sore down below (inside my anus) but she could tell my sphincter was tight thru my clothing.

Anyway, she thinks the inflammation is caused by the tight sphincter and she said its quite common. So she gave me some relaxation exercises to do. She said it wont be an instant cure but it will take time.

So.. i started the exrercises and did notice an improvement. If i was fortunate to have done my exercises before a bowel movement it was definitely easier. Unfortunately sometimes my sphincter can spasm during the passing of a stool. This happened 2 days ago and its all inflamed inside and very sore again.

2 questions.

1. Has anyone else experienced this and do u think i am on the right track with pelvic floor physio?

2. Would anusol be good for reducing inflammation?

Also i am now doing cold sitz baths which seems to help more than hot ones.

Would be grateful for peoples thoughts.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Hazey123 » 05 Aug 2024, 11:33

Hi UkMan I also was diagnosed with a very tight muscle also causing me pain. My consultant recommended dilation which I hated and I did religiously for four months and nothing really improved. However it did teach me the power of breathing as I had to really really relax in order to get the dilator in or out without dying of pain. So I felt the benefit of inhaling fully holding and then breathing out slowly - I do this having a BM and it helps. Basically exhale as it comes out. So I’m feeling a lot better these days. Have had constant burning and serious pain for years. Finally I feel more normal. I tried everything cream wise. Anusol didn’t help. Dont obvs use any form of cortisone. GTN made the burning worse so eventually I stopped everything. I took a tiny dose of Movicol to soften things and just carried on. I’m a big exerciser too so I did this despite the pain. Walking I have found amazing for pain relief. Relaxing and just eases it. I gave up caffeine as this restricts blood flow to everywhere including the anus (we want blood flow for healing) I take MSM which helps joints and soft tissue healing (I also hurt my hamstring) all of it has resolved. No idea if this helped but it coincided! High dose Vit C for healing. Plenty of water , eat dates every day, grapes, fruit and drink fruit juice too (I don’t take Movicol anymore) this helps keep everything moving. I also drink electrolytes which prevent dehydration. But I exercise hard so maybe I need this more than most. I’m still scared going to the toilet and sometimes it still hurts a bit but it’s way way better and I’m now riding my road bike again which was unthinkable a year ago. So really the message is time and relaxation. It will improve. I think the relaxation therapy is a good thing, it will help but don’t give up too soon on it!! Just try and think positive. You won’t be in pain forever. We all must get better eventually. I also take magnesium citrate to soften.. I hope some of this helps!
AF following skin tag surgery Feb 2022
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