Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 05 Aug 2024, 12:04

Thankyou souch for the reply. I very grateful.
I take 1.4 sachets of movikol at night and 1.4 sachets in morning (laxido but same as movikol).
How long did it take for breathing to work as ive bn doing the same breathing for 2 weeks now. How bad was your inflammation?
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Hazey123 » 05 Aug 2024, 12:09

Be careful taking too much laxido as obviously if things are very runny that will also make things more sore and inflamed. Striking a happy medium is important - soft but not too soft….
Gosh I don’t know how long it’s been months and months really. Just gotta resign yourself and try not to panic. Just eat carefully drink water and try and get on with life. Mine eventually eased - the burning was terrible I’ve no idea how it compares to yours but all day burning without stopping til I sleep. Bad enough to make me miserable. I’m not 100% but I’d say it’s mild discomfort sometimes and a lot of the time I don’t think about it.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 05 Aug 2024, 13:14

This is why i think i am going in cycles. It is okay 1 week and the next week it flares up.

When its runny it flares up but if i drop the movikol down and i get a spasm at the start or the middle of my bowel movement (such as halfway through a stool coming out) that inflames it. But the pelvic floor breathing (similar to your suggestion) has helped. So my good days are better than they were but bad days are just as bad. Your post has reassured me that pelvic floor breathing and exercises are the way out of this. My partner has helped a lot but unfortunately its taken a toll on her health as well because its all i ever talk about.
Its a journey for sure but its nice to know someone else has travelled this path.

Im looking forward to the inflammation and burning (which feels like i have glue and acid in my back passage) finally leaving me for good.

Pura wipes help as well.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 05 Aug 2024, 13:17

And cold sitz baths.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby GrrrAF » 05 Aug 2024, 21:59


Hazey123, good to hear you much better and on the bike again!

UKMan, YES to pelvic floor physio! It got me on the path to recovery from a severe fissure/spasms/pain for months! It does take time, patience, and perseverance! I also did at home myself so sped healing up. You can search forum by my username for more info & tips. Best of luck.
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 18 Aug 2024, 08:46

Okay several weeks later and pelvic floor breathing has made a BIG improvement. Anusol helped as well. Pharmacist advised using it one week on and one week off.

Be interested in people thoughts on this please. Is anusol safe to use like this. EG today i had a spasm halfway thru passing a stool so its a bit irritated down there.

Also i thought Witch Hazel might be worth a try. I guess basically when it does flare up and get inflamed during my recovery is it okay to use anusol or shud i try witch hazel?

Thankyou everyone for taking time to write your posts
It truly is appreciated. God Bless - Neil
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby GrrrAF » 19 Aug 2024, 20:06

Hi UKMan,

Good to hear the therapy is working; keep it up!

Never used anusol but I do use witch hazel daily; as skin toner on face no issues; I buy thayers unscented no alcohol. I did originally buy for bum though to soothe; external use only put some on a small cotton pad and dab area. It didn't help that much (back when I had undiagnosed fissure and much pain spasms) but didn't make things worse either. Now I just use to clean once a day after BMs, shower as I have skin tags so to keep extra clean down there. Witch hazel is used in hemorrhoids treatment think external only?
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 01 Sep 2024, 11:25

Did it feel swollen inside. Ive been having improvement until i ate a small amount of chicken chowmein. Then halfway thru a bowel movement i had problems so now im very sore again. Maybe a bit of scar tissue came off as it stings like crazy.

But im trying to stay positive with the pelvic floor therapy breathing exercises. Ive used anusol again a couple of times. It helps but i just dont know if its safe to use or not as i dont want to thin the skin.

Cold sitz baths REALLY help and are soothing. Never again will i take a hot sitz bath as i feel that made things alot worse.

I fee
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby Hazey123 » 01 Sep 2024, 14:23

I agree with you UKMan I tried warm sitz baths as I know they are supposed to relax things and help heal but they just made me feel worse. In fact nothing really helped and I tried everything. Anusol with hydrocortisone will thin the skin, or Anusol HC. Ordinary Anusol won’t but I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure if you can use it long term. It’s basically just lubricating a bit which helps. I used it for a while but ended up with a bit of Vaseline and that’s all. Eventually nothing as the burning was just awful whatever I did or whatever I used. I bought every cream I could think of!! I’m not sure what has eased it in the end if I’m honest. I think just time and relaxation breathing and a small amount of movicol. I think skin tag removal is actually brutal. Sounds so minor but it wrecked me totally. I think I’m finally getting better now. I’m eating anything just about and drinking some alcohol too. No issues. The pain lessened in cycles - a few good days then back to burning pain then maybe a good day then bad again. It went like this for months. I still have the odd burning day and I’m not 100% but I’m SO much better now. I will still never have a Bm without showering the area after. Not sure I ever will! You will heal…. I really never thought I would
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Re: Inflamation and sphincter tightening after LIS

Postby UKMan » 01 Sep 2024, 15:41

Thankyou for the encouraging words. I havent worked for 4-5 years and really need to get back to work and get my life back. I use sudocream for the most part. Maybe i will stop with anusol. Pharmacist said its ok for 7 days at a time then lay off it for a week or 2 but i don't know.
I eat wholemeal toast, fish fingers, salad, egg, and grapes most of the time.
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