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Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby woundedspirit » 25 Aug 2014, 10:41

I had a "friend" say ... " well it's nothing people have not been dealing with for eons". I just smiled and said ya.

Do I take the time to explain to someone that my failure to heal is from hemorrhoid surgery and they haven't been doing that for eons?
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby sotiredofthis » 25 Aug 2014, 10:53

I don't even know how to respond to that. I am so sorry they were that insensitive to you and the pain this can cause. Unless someone goes through it that just have no idea. :smilyhug:
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby Scientist2516 » 25 Aug 2014, 11:58

What an insensitive thing to say.

Why is it so hard for some people to say "I'm sorry for your pain. Is there anything I can do to help?".
I think they are frightened of pain, and don't want to have to think about it.

If you want to, you could tell your friend that no amount of historical suffering makes it easier to bear your own suffering, and you hoped for support, not a casual dismissal of your problem.

I'm really sorry your friend treated you that way, woundedspirit.
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby woundedspirit » 25 Aug 2014, 12:22

Thanks so much. I thought it was pretty cold. It is something that I would have never discussed with her except it came up when I couldn't go swimming in the river with everyone. I was told no swimming in lakes or rivers but a pool with chlorine would be okay. It made sense to me but has anyone else been told this by their doctor?
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby Rachael 1984 » 25 Aug 2014, 12:30

Sorry WS,
That was very insensitive... Nobody understands the hell of fissures, unless they've had them. I'm sure they think it's not that bad..... WRONG!!
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby Savaici » 25 Aug 2014, 12:35

Quote: Question: If you have an external hemorrhoid, is it safe to swim in a lake?
Answer: Gary Hoffman, Colorectal Surgeon that specializes in hemorrhoid treatment. 

 A hemorrhoid is a collection of veins, arteries and nerves, which are located beneath the lining of the anus. 

Other than placing soap on a hemorrhoid, there is nothing external to the hemorrhoid that will hurt the hemorrhoid. 

But be aware, salt water may irritate a hemorrhoid.  However, lake water, which is fresh water, will have no more consequences than a tub of water. 

View this Quora thread to read my response about the dietary changes that can help alleviate hemorrhoids.

In a nutshell, yes it is safe!  Congrats!! :afsmile:
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby owmybum » 25 Aug 2014, 13:05

I just think people have no idea of the pain and difficulty fissures pose. I must admit, before mine, I wouldn't have a clue how debilitating they are. Don't take it to heart... Some people are not only thick.. They lack compassion too. Lets hope she never gets one ( wink wink) ( sorry... I'm feeling especially wicked... And I really wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy)

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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby Apes » 25 Aug 2014, 14:05

I'm with OMB, I never would imGine the pain and how debilitating this is. I also agree with wink wink, not feeling any sympathy for someone that insensitive
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby Rachael 1984 » 25 Aug 2014, 14:07

Wink wink.....
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Re: Just curious if anyone cares to comment.

Postby woundedspirit » 25 Aug 2014, 15:38

LOL. Thanks guys. I couldn't help but chuckle about the winks and I don't feel too bad for laughing as we do all know in reality we would never wish this on a single soul. You guys are great.

Savaici - Thank you for your post. That is good to know and I did swim in the lake with external hemorrhoids but now that I have open wounds with the fissures I'm thinking it is not a good idea for me. I imagine my Dr told me that due to risk of infection?

Scientist- I love that verbage and response and will surely remember it if I am ever caught off guard like that again. Thank you.
Last edited by woundedspirit on 25 Aug 2014, 23:22, edited 1 time in total.
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