After bowel movements, am still experiencing anal seepage 5 months after partial lis and fissure surgery. My surgeon thinks that this will stop once it's completely healed anyone else have experience with this? We are also trying to figure out what's taking it so long to heal, he is talking about another procedure that would take 5 minutes it supposedly to clean out the wound and help it heal but I am very reluctant to do any other procedures. I had an abscess after the surgery in February 10th it was within like 2 weeks this may have delayed things and set things back. I no longer have pain when I have my movements or blood or anything it's just the seepage afterwards. I was out of work 6 weeks and lost 30 lbs over this ordeal
I really hope this isn't a permanent thing but I've read on other boards that it's a possibility. It is enough where I have to wear a small 4 x 4 gauze pad that I have to change out 2-3 times a day at least . It's worse when the stools are softer not as bad when they are harder but still a little bit. Now the leakage was worse in the early days of my recovery and the surgeon did say that was over 90% healed but for some reason it's just not finishing healing. Strange that it would get that far but not finish I don't understand it
Also how do I know that this leakage will stop even if after it heals? I can have his procedure done and still have leakage. If this procedure is all my surgeon can recommend then I will get a second opinion.