Leaking still?

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Leaking still?

Postby Diaboliq » 26 Apr 2017, 14:54

For the people who've had LIS, how long did you have leaking for? It's been 7 days and I still need to change gauze every 1-2 hours and it's pretty soaked with blood. I also had a banding done at the same. I'm speaking with someone who had it done the same day and had no bleeding after 3 days. Experiences?
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Re: Leaking still?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 26 Apr 2017, 15:02

I would say I had about 3/4 days where I was leaking.
Maybe it's because you had banding too, I've never had that but I'm assuming you would bleed perhaps more than from the LIS
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Re: Leaking still?

Postby AJStyles » 26 Apr 2017, 15:58

Hey diaboliq, do you have facebook? Something to chat, i am almost 3 weeks post LIS, so you could ask me and i could ask you some questions. I would love that.
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