Lifting weights cause issues

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Lifting weights cause issues

Postby db56 » 15 Aug 2011, 06:56

Any chance going to the gym and lifting free weights would cause a tear in a fissure? I had bad spasms after a recent session lately and was wondering if that would have caused it. I am close to 3 weeks out from LIS surgery
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby Guest » 15 Aug 2011, 07:39

Yes that could cause a re-tear .My Post-op instructions said no heavy lifting. Heavy lifting will put a strain on that area. It can actually cause hems Image
That area will take months to re-gain it's strength. There was a boardie who ripped her fissure at 6 months post-op by lifting heavy lawn furniture. Image I would take it easy for about a year and try not to do anything that can bring pressure or cause strain to that area.

Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby db56 » 15 Aug 2011, 11:44

Is this debateable? My CRS said it was OK to lift weights. I think I might take a couple of weeks break since my recovery hasn't been going well. But it would be very hard to take an extended break.
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby Guest » 16 Aug 2011, 09:17

I guess it could be debatable. I personally wasn't willing to take the risk and would do any and everything in my power to have the quickest recovery possible without set backs.
It takes 6-8 weeks for the fissure to heal under the best conditions. Three weeks post -op is half way there for most. Others have said it can take a couple of years for that area to totally be as if a fissure never happened.
I'm 9 months post-op and still wouldn't lift anything that would cause pressure or straining in that area. Image You may be able too Image
I wasn't willing to experiment and take any chances. Nothing was worth screwing up my recovery or keeping a fissure...

Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby val » 16 Aug 2011, 14:58

I totally agree with Dawn - if you want to heal your fissure, why on earth would you do something that agravates it!
The sooner you heal, the sooner you can go back to weight lifting. Just my opinion.
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby dashingJ » 27 Jan 2012, 23:36

Hi all,
I disagree. I wish to post this about lifting weights even though this thread is old. I go to the gym regularly. I noticed that if I do heavy squats or inclined squats it is not good for my fissure. I think it does something down there. I already got a small hemmorhoid from squatting but it shrunk and went away after a few weeks.
I seem to get a reoccurence if I squat weights or incline weights. If I do light weight I am ok. I am talking about squating about 200LBs or more.
I also get a reoccurence if I get diarhea.
I was going strong for 6 months with no AF problems. Sometimes I go a year with no problems. But now I know I can not squat weights until maybe a couple years of healing for that fissure.
Someone also said posture is important when poohing. And I think there is some truth to that so that the you are not leaning left - right or backwards to put stress on an area rather sit straight up and use the muscles in the sphinter slowing to get the stool started. One my stool is started I am usually fine.
I am a little ticked because I was going 6 months with no problems then I was under some stress and I guess with weight lifting and being late for an meeting, I pushed too hard and it aggrevated the AF. I am not in pain, just a little blood in the stool. So far on day 3 it seems to be less.
I was reading about scar tissue and i will research that more.
But I wanted all to know that yes lifting weights can affect you like it affected me. I would cut out squats all together. No incline squats. If you do squats....only lite weight...just movement to pressure.
Also, I agree with others. Spend only 2-3 minutes on the toilet when poohing. Get in and get out.
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby wecc » 28 Jan 2012, 06:50

I can say a few years ago when I had an AF and it healed, I was at the gym about a week or so latter doing lower body and I re-tore. Its was the beginning of all my AF issues. I am 4 weeks post AD and I am working out again. My CRS who goes to the gym as well said that I can do weights, but it’s all about isolating the areas of your body and no lower body for about 6 months.
I am a very active person and back to all my activates. Now my CRS had a great suggestion and while it’s not weights, wow what a work out…its resistance bands. I am getting the same work out that I did with weight and I am isolating areas. In fact as someone who has worked out for years, I said resistance bands..yea right? I can tell you, I will never go back to free weights again.
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby Cfak » 29 Nov 2016, 15:29

I am going to wait weeks after minexpensive heals. What kinds of strength exercises are save for me if I want to tone/ strengthen my butt, shoulders, hips, and chest
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Re: Lifting weights cause issues

Postby Buttpalsteven » 01 Dec 2016, 23:20


Just to chime in as well - any legs or heavy lifting can absolutely re-tear your fissure - this is not debatable! After my LIS, my doc said after 2 weeks I can return to working out moderately (so biceps, triceps, chest - but avoid picking anything off the ground.. try to do workouts that involve sitting down to reduce strain). After 8 weeks, I was able to return to heavy lifting. I have been mostly great since my surgery but if I think I am at all having issues I avoid heavy lifting/working out for a few days. Hope you find relief soon!

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