LIS 9-Dec-2016

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LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Misty789 » 08 Dec 2016, 17:38

Hi everyone,
My LIS is tomorrow morning.Today, have 3 fissures, all bleeding, in pain.

Can't eat or drink after midnight, and I don't have to do any bowel preps, which is good, as I could not stand with all the pain.

Any advice? I'm pretty nervous, but looking forward to it.
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Misty789 » 09 Dec 2016, 17:52

I have read other's journals with this surgery and they were very helpful, so I thought I would leave mine for those who read in the future.

Day 0: LIS was today, at 10 AM. When they woke me, I was pretty sick. Nauseated. Felt out of it and my eyes would not focus. On the ride home I just laid down on the back seat. When I got home I threw up. Then I fell asleep for a few hours. Now I am awake and the left side of my anus has a deep ache, and I can't seem to stop tensing up. I look the tape and gauze off, and my whole anal area is numb to the touch, probably from all the lidocaine. There is a large bruise on the left side (the side of surgery) but I do not see the incision or stitches. It must be deeper inside the canal. That makes me worry. The pain is pretty bad, I can't sit or walk normally and am curled up in a fetal position, mostly. Just took 325mgAcetaminophen. Hoping to eat some soup and then take more pain meds, don't want to take them on an empty stomach...
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Mypoorbutt » 09 Dec 2016, 18:32

Hi Misty,
Hope you recover quickly...don't be afraid to take the pain killers as you may need them in the first few days. Sitz baths from tomorrow will also really help.
I'm sure after the first few days you will start to feel much better just get through these next couple of days.
I'm sure you know I have had a pretty hard time with my LIS but I have other issues and most people seem to be back to normal after the first week or so, at the very least most people stop having spasms.
Good luck
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby chachacha » 09 Dec 2016, 22:54

It's not uncommon to be nauseous (or throw up) after a general anaesthetic.

Some surgeons go in through your anus, by holding it open with instruments, and make the cut on your internal sphincter that way, while others make an incision just to the side of your anus and then go inside through that incision, up to the internal sphincter and make the cut that way. Mine made the outer cut, and due to the swelling, and how small the incision was (1/4 of an inch?), there was no way that we could see it for the first few days, and even after that, it healed so quickly that my husband could barely make out where it was. I'm not at all surprised that you can't see yours yet, if it's an external cut, and if it was done inside, you probably wouldn't see it either, because it's the internal sphincter, not the outer one, that has been cut.

A very big contrats on having had the surgery done and I hope that you're already feeling a lot better.

Fissure since about 2007
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Misty789 » 10 Dec 2016, 18:04

Thanks Mypoorbutt and Chachacha, for your comments. I really appreciate the support.

Well, today has been worse than yesterday. More painful and the bruised area has grown in size as well. I did not expect to have more pain today, and am pretty down about it. I also feel the same when passing gas, not any easier. I am seriously thinking my CSR did not cut enough of the sphincter. She was pretty wrapped up and worried about incontinence. I told her I'm ok with that, because it does not hurt, but she kept on and on... Ah..

Pretty depressed at the moment. Have been taking pain meds every 4 hours (acetaminophen+oxycodone) and applied lidocaine ointment also, once. I keep thinking . . . what if all this suffering is for nothing? What if it did not work?

Since I did not get much sleep last night, because of the pain, I'm also not too hopeful for tonight. :(
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Dec 2016, 18:45

Hi Misty,
You will be in more pain today as swelling is always worse for the first few days...think of when you cut your hand,doesn't seem to hurt much when you do it but throbs like heck for a few days after.
I was really sore and had to strain when passing gas for at least 2/3 weeks after my LIS...I know my surgeon didn't cut the full length of my fissure and I'm pretty sure that this along with my other issues led to me still having full on spasms. But they seem to be much more concerned about incontinence.
It's only been 2 days Hun I'm sure it will have worked but even if it has been a complete success you are still swollen and bruised and sore down there....there are way too many nerve endings in that area and they have all been cut or bruised so yes you will be in pain. I was devastated when I was in more pain after than I was before so I know how you feel it's so disheartening. But please try and think positive your body has been through a traumatic experience in a very sensitive area you will be in pain, have you any GTN to put up did help me a bit, keep up with your pain killers and sitz baths....unfortunately all you can do is ride through this rough bit...but it won't be long till your out the other side
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby chachacha » 10 Dec 2016, 18:51

I was sure that my surgeon had not returned my hemmies back up inside (they were prolapsed before the surgery and always needed to be re-inserted by finger), and I was frantic! Those hemmies needed to be up inside or the pain could become extreme, and they could twist and/or become thrombosed. It turned out that all of the extra tissue around my anus was actually swollen tissue from the surgery and were also 4 new skin tags that had emerged because of the trauma to the area. It turned out though, that all was well, everything ended up being good, and I had panicked for nothing. I'll bet that you're just panicking now too, and that all will be well soon. It is not surprising to have pain on the second day and it could take another few days before you feel any improvement. It usually takes at least two weeks (for most people on this forum) to feel better, and can then take a year to be fully healed.

Good luck and try not to worry this soon.
Fissure since about 2007
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Misty789 » 11 Dec 2016, 19:39

Thank you, Mypoorbutt and Chachacha,
Your encouragement and advice from experience mean a lot to me. I am trying to be patient, but the pain is wearing me down, to be honest.

Today has been the same as yesterday, with a few differences. I slept more last night, so that is good. The pain is a bit different today. There is heaviness/soreness/achey type of pain on the anterior part, which is better when I lay down on my stomach and worse as I stand up or lay in any other position. I am trying to walk a little around the dining table, but I am managing only a few minutes at a time, before the heavy/soreness pain gets too much and I have to get back to the lying on my stomach position. There are also random short twinges of pain in random locations around the anus, that feel like a needle stab. These are not often, less than 10 times today.

Today I had a BM, it was soft (Bristol 3/4), due to Colace (50mg) and Milk of Magnesia (1TBSP) (with which I am trying to counteract the oxycodone, and my stools are normally hard, Bristol 1/2 (the opposite problem from you, Mypoorbutt)) and I did not feel that all of it came out. The pain was intense, and it gave me a new fissure - a small one that I can clearly see bleeding. The other 3 fissures that I had prior to surgery are open as well and have not healed, but they were not actively bleeding, which is good because they bled with almost every BM for about 3 weeks prior to surgery. All I can do is cry at this point, both from the pain and the disappointment. I don't know why I thought that the poop would just fall out without problems, after a LIS... somebody must have written that and I was dreaming of it. :(

For pain, I've taken acetaminophen325mg+oxycodone5mg every 4-5 hours and I also apply Lidocaine ointment prior to BM. With this, the pain is cut about in half.
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby Mypoorbutt » 12 Dec 2016, 09:58

Hi Misty,
I know it probably doesn't seem like it to you but it does sound like there was a small improvement.
You have had surgery in a very sensitive area it's going to hurt like hell...I think doctors should be way more honest and tell us that look dome people will actually be in significant agony afterwards then at least we would know what to expect.
Glad you managed a BM at least the first one is out of the way...and it's good your old fissures are not bleeding as for the new one, soft BMs can sometimes be more acidic and can literally strip the skin so if you have weak areas acidic BMs can make them tear.
I'm finding it harder to poop after my LIS it certainly does not fall out I never used to have to strain and I'm finding that now I do although I'm working on getting more formed BMs so that could be the reason.
Don't lose hope misty, it's not even been a week you are doing good...I have read experiences where people stayed in bed for at least a week after LIS and didn't even try to get up and move around. You will get better you just have to give yourself dome more time.
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Re: LIS 9-Dec-2016

Postby chachacha » 12 Dec 2016, 12:08

After any surgery or injury, my experience has led me to believe that I should never do anything that hurts. I always let my body tell me when it's okay to move/exercise, and feel that I shouldn't go against what it's telling me. If your doctor told you otherwise though, then you should follow his/her instructions.

I also think that it's still too early to be pessimistic, so hang in there and hopefully things will start improving more rapidly soon.
Fissure since about 2007
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