Lis and fissurectom

5 weeks post op

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Lis and fissurectom

Postby Jsingh » 15 Oct 2013, 18:14

Had been suffering from an anal fissure for about 1year. Finally in February of this year decided to go ahead with the Sphincterotomy as recommended by my colorectal surgeon.The surgery was not successful as the guy was ultra conservative with his cutting.Suffered again for a few months hoping for the fissure to heal.Finally as the symptoms got worse went to see a second CRS.He recommended a repeat LIS and fissurectomy and tag removal.After the second surgery I noticed a tremendous difference in my symptoms.No more pain during bowel movements,no burning sensation.However I still get some blood on the paper every few days.Saw my colorectal surgeon today who says I am healing slowly (about 90 percent healed) and it is the remaining unsealed fissure that is causing the bleeding.he says that my LIS site is also not fully healed.Beside the bleeding my other problem is I cannot sit for any extended period and pain while passing gas. I was wondering if anyone has any input.
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby asdf123456 » 16 Oct 2013, 19:08

Sounds like I am in a similar situation. How long did you go after the first surgery before you decided you didn't heal? It has been 5 months since my LIS/Fissurotomy and I still have blood and pain after the bathroom. I am very very frustrated, as I am sure you are too.
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby asdf123456 » 16 Oct 2013, 19:10

also, I have trouble sitting as well... how far out from the second surgery are you. I would've thought that by 5 weeks, I would be able to sit comfortably in my office chair without such swelling.
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby Jsingh » 16 Oct 2013, 19:22

The first surgery was done in february of this year...the surgeon told me that he was very conservative in his cut...Within 1 week the spasm had returned as did the pain and bleeding.I waited till September and had the second surgery consisting of fissurectomy ,lis and tag removal.At this time 5weeks post op I have no pain just slight soreness and an occasional short lived spasm after a bowel movement. I also have this mucous discharge which is irritating.Also I still get slight amount of blood on the paper every other day.Doctor seems to think it is fine.I do feel a lot better as compared to the first time.No issues with incontinence.Hope this helps.And yes both surgeries were done by CRS.
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby asdf123456 » 16 Oct 2013, 19:32

that's helpful thanks. lots of luck!
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 09:02

Hi I am just checking in here to see if you've made any progress. I am 5.5 weeks out, still blood and some pain. VERY Frustrated. Any signs of healing on your end?
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby Jsingh » 20 Oct 2013, 12:27

No bleeding...seems to be healing now...recently was recommended metronidazole ointment which seems to spasms..but still not feeling a hundred percent but appears to heading in the right track...good luck to you and my opinion the second sphincterotomy helped a lot but the fissurectomy prolongs healing.
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby Jsingh » 20 Oct 2013, 12:29

Make sure that the stools are soft....I take 100mg of colace twice a day..
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Re: Lis and fissurectom

Postby asdf123456 » 20 Oct 2013, 15:56

Congrats. Thanks for the reply I was take fiber, but I find colace makes me go more than once, which can be a very bad thing. I can go without much effort at all, so I am not sure that my poop consistency is the problem...I have never heard of that ointment, but I will look into it also.
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