Lis in the uk

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Lis in the uk

Postby IWantANewButt » 09 Nov 2018, 13:46

Hey I’ve had a fissure for 3 years on and off, but recently it’s got bad again and hard to manage, I’ll be in pain all day. I really feel lis is my only option now as I’ve tried both gtn and diltiazem cream, and had two rounds of Botox. Nothing seems to relieve the pain. Im on a steady dosage of laxatives, and my poop is usually soft put nothings working. My quality of life is really suffering. The only problem is I’m young (21) and a female, and the doctors are unsure it’s a good idea. But I feel I have no other option anymore. Idk what to do. Plus I’ve read on here that lis is not as common in the uk? Anyone got any recommendations, or good surgeons that’ll help me through this. If I do have lis, I want it done by an experienced surgeon. Any advice would be great thanks :D
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