by sotiredofthis » 19 Apr 2014, 09:34
My surgery is scheduled for April 28th and I'm wondering what to expect following surgery as far as what I can do. My cousin had this surgery 2 years ago with the same surgeon I'm seeing on a Thursday and went back to work on Monday. CRAZY!! I'm praying my recovery is as good!
As of now I'm only having LIS. She may do a fissurectomy when she gets in there but I won't know until I wake up.
When is it normal to be able to continue regular life. ie. laundry, cooking, yard work, walking my dogs, driving my kids to their activities, going to church, sitting on my butt etc.
If you were incontinent to gas, could you hear it? Smell it? I would be so embarrassed if that happens in public. Especially at church!! There are pads for that I've found online.
when is the risk of infection over?
When can you know if you're going to be incontinent or not? Right away or later?
Anyone use pads after surgery? If so, which ones and how long? I just saw an advertisement for a brand called Butterfly for accidental bowel leakage. I think I'm going to get those and maybe some Poise pads? What do you think?
I have IBS so I'm worried about leakage or actual stool loss if I have an attack. I'll have to be careful with any Mirilax. I only use stool softeners right now.