LIS Operation on Thursday

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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 04:08

I didnt get any stitches it was an open wound for me so all that yellow shit can get outta there and so it heals better (Thats what my doctor said lol) I definitely had alooooot of pain on day 5, walking hurt, sitting hurt, everything was painful as F**k, but dont get paranoid, you got surgery 5 days ago my god of course its gonna hurt. Dont be worried. Just keep your stools soft, that is so important, a hard stool can re tore the fissure again. Keep it soft and you wont have any troubles, u will feel better in week 3. Not healed, but you will feel better. Much better
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Becka456 » 02 May 2017, 04:17

Oh good glad it's not just me I'm a very impatient person as it is lol but I can't sit or walk without pain and I can't even sleep it's driving me mad!
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 04:24

Yea dont be worried, everyone heals differently, some people dont have pain at all after surgery, some people alot of pain. Some people heal in 2 weeks, some in 8. I have had 2 Lis surgerys, first one was 8 months ago, didnt work out for me for some reason. (I think its because i didnt keep my stools soft like an idiot) now i am much more careful and hoping it heals.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Becka456 » 02 May 2017, 05:19

Very true I think I worry a lot about infection that would be my worst nightmare at the minute. I'm also not that lucky to be one of those people where everything heals in 2 weeks lol well I hope you have better luck this time round
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 05:22

Well the infection won't happen if you keep your asshole clean, so after BM hop into the shower and clean your ass. (i bet the doc told u that already) clean it for like 10 - 15 seconds and dry it carefully. Also, 1-2 Hours after BM i would take toilet paper and clean the area again a little bit, for me at least it was leaking alot after surgery and the area was often dirty.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Becka456 » 02 May 2017, 05:24

Yes I'm a little bit OCD with the whole cleaning thing, I shower it off then bathe with salt water then get in a bath for 15 mins so hopefully that will stop any infection but then I also seem to have very bad luck so I always worry! I'm still seeping blood too but I guess at Day 5 that's normal
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby AJStyles » 02 May 2017, 05:32

yea i had blood too no worries
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Becka456 » 02 May 2017, 05:36

Ok great, thank you for all your help :)
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby banjobuddy » 05 May 2017, 09:16

Day 9:

Considering my CRS cut an artery according to my GP and I lost 5 pints of blood (not kidding!), I'm doing a bit better. As I said, I spent 3 days in the hospital hooked up to drips and have two arms full of blood test puncture marks. My GP has also put me on two months worth of iron tablets as my heart rate is too high and I wear out very easily. She says take two a day, but I'm probably going to just have the one and compliment it with iron rich foods + two full sachets of Movicol every day. My incision wound is a little better and I'm only leaking a bit of blood now, which is a big improvement on the pools of the stuff I was lying in in hospital.

Let me just say, though, that my situation is VERY unusual. I don't know how it happened and this operation is still pretty minor in the scheme of things. Even I don't think I'll regret having it done, even though things have gone wrong in a fairly major way. On the plus side, my bowel motions are pretty good and I bled very little this morning after a fairly full largish motion.

As for soreness, the incision site (left side just beside the anus) is still pretty sore and I'm sure will be for quite a while. I can commiserate with you, Becka, I can imagine the stitches probably are pulling quite a bit - hang in there! As I said, mine was left open (sans stitches!), but with the blood loss, wish it had been stitched. If you're in doubt, about your stitches, pop in to your local medical practice and them have a look - it's not worth worrying about it.

As for cleaning, my wife volunteered to clean me up and she's been wonderful with doing all that, cooking/preparing meals and shopping for my meals. AJ, it sounds like you're making good progress, which must be very encouraging :-) As I said, my biggest issue at the moment is getting my iron levels back up again. Realistically this will probably take a while. I'm also getting stir crazy, lying on the couch watching endless telly - thank god for Netflicks and Virgin TV!

My wife thinks I should sue my CRS and the hospital as there were two fairly major mistakes. The first, cutting the artery and secondly the male nurse who made me get out of bed and stand there while he changed the sheets. Result, dizziness and blackout, with me lying on the floor and 7 or 8 hospital staff panicking around me. To be honest, though, I'm not a very litigious person and don't really want to go down that route.

Anyhow, we'll all get there eventually, despite setbacks. Hopefully by Christmas and probably earlier things will be a lot easier.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby ResMePlz » 05 May 2017, 09:36

What artery did they cut? How is that even possible? I would definitely put a malpractice claim. There's no reason that should have happened. I can't even think of what artery is even close to your ass that he could have cut. The common iliac artery is near there, but I picture it higher up. Strange. Glad you are healing though. Wish you luck
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