LIS Operation on Thursday

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LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby banjobuddy » 24 Apr 2017, 09:09

Hi all,

Well, I got a phone call from the hospital this afternoon saying they had a cancellation for Thursday and could I come in at 9am. I knew at some stage I'd get the call, so in a sense it's no surprise. I can't say I'm actually looking forward to it, but at least it'll be over. The lady on the phone said I had to stop eating by 2:30am on the morning of the op, which surprised me. I was expecting to have to stop eating at the very latest, the previous evening. I could have sips of water that, though.

I know I'm in for a world of pain, but want a shot at having an easier life, even if it's several weeks or months after the op. I'd even settle for feeling better by Christmas, having had a miserable one in 2016, after getting a fissure. Anyone who's read any of my previous posts will know I've had rectal/anal problems for about 20 years, so this is the first major intervention I've ever had. I'm not a stranger to ops, though, having had a hernia one a couple of years ago. That's a longish recovery as I didn't have keyhole.

Anyway, any last minute advice or thoughts, much appreciated.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby chachacha » 24 Apr 2017, 09:59

No advice, but congrats on getting the appointment. I have suffered on the rear front for 25 years, and just realized that last week when I had my 5th colonoscopy. I met my CRS 25 years ago when I had my first, and very painful, thrombosed hemorrhoid and remember going to that appointment with my now 26 year old son in his stroller. All the best on Thursday, and I hope that your healing time is much better than you think it will be.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby chachacha » 24 Apr 2017, 10:01

No advice, but congrats on getting the appointment. I have suffered on the rear front for 25 years, and just realized that last week when I had my 5th colonoscopy. I met my CRS 25 years ago when I had my first, and very painful, thrombosed hemorrhoid and remember going to that appointment with my now 26 year old son in his stroller. All the best on Thursday, and I hope that your healing time is much faster and involves less pain than you think it will.
Fissure since about 2007
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby banjobuddy » 24 Apr 2017, 13:16


Thanks very much for the words of encouragement :-) I had a thrombosed pile several years ago - I can definitely attest to the fact of it being painful. Really tender to the touch. I do remember it going down pretty quickly - probably in a few days, but it did make me freak out at the time. I was left with an external skin tag, which I still have today, but it doesn't bother me, it just gets in the way a bit. Wow, having the same CRS for 25 years - now there's continuity!

It sounds a bit weird, but I'm preparing for the worst, then if it's not quite so bad, it's a bonus lol! What am dreading most? Well, probably the post-op pain and the first few bowel motions after. As for the op itself, I've got a bit of a phobia of general anaesthetics, so that's a hurdle I'm going to have to cope with as well. I also have IBS, which isn't a great situation when you have rectal issues, which tends to send me to the loo 3-4 times a day. This is probably caused more the Movicol I have to take, than my natural bowel habits, but with a tendency to have hard motions and a very tight sphincter, it's an unavoidable consequence. I'm hoping the LIS will make the motions easier to pass and so I could cut back on the Movicol a bit. These are all ifs and buts at the moment, though.

My main motivation is to be able to do more things with my wife and nearly 7-year-old daughter in the future such as family holidays and longer day trips. So it's fingers crossed.
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Apr 2017, 13:52

Hi banjo
Great news so pleased for you. I understand where your coming from about being prepared for the worst. But I also think we should be open to the best. There have been quite a few people on here who have had LIS recently and have been recovering quickly and smoothly. I'm sure you will be one of the very large majority who have a smooth journey
I do know people who naturally go 3 times a day so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Maybe the fact it's a cancellation will not give your IBS a chance to respond to any nerves you may have.
I truly believe that by the summer you will be living life to the full with your wife and daughter.
Super good luck
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby chachacha » 24 Apr 2017, 13:56

My thrombosed hemmie was acute and required a trip to the ER. Even five doses of intravenous morphine didn't help and the CRS had warned me that that would happen. He predicted a two week duration and that I would want to die from the pain at around day 7, but because I was already at about day 5 at that point, he could do nothing. It was much worse than my fissure at its worst and that also made me feel like I would prefer death. I adore my CRS, and it's so nice knowing him so well after all of these years.

I have had general anaesthesia about 4 times in my adult life and am sure that I am going to die each time (and unlike the pains mentioned above, I have no desire to die from it!).

I also had chronic diarrhea before the fissure, but it disappeared afterward (had had it for about a year straight).

The fissure pain ruined everything for me on the social front too, so I hope that you are back doing the things you love soon.
Fissure since about 2007
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby banjobuddy » 24 Apr 2017, 18:52

Thanks for those lovely words, MPB and CCC. It's really nice to know there are people out there who have been through this before and come out the other side. One good thing is although it's an NHS operation, rather than going private, I'm having it done at the new state-of-the-art mega Southmead hospital in Bristol. It hasn't been up very long, but it's so big, it has gates like an airport! A much more reassuring place than the old Southmead which was something of a Victorian relic - a very depressing place. It had open wards as well as opposed to the new one's private rooms for every patient.

I've been videoing a lot of tv shows recently for when I'm laid up on the couch. What I am hoping is I'll at least be able to spend 5-10 minutes at my desktop computer every day, albeit probably standing up! This is unavoidable really as my business is all online. I've faced similar adversity before when I was discharged from hospital following life-threatening pneumonia a few years ago. I had to complete work or would have been in a lot of financial trouble. Heaven knows how I got through it - I was really weak and sometimes seeing double. I'll try to keep you all posted on how things go :-)
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Mr Fissure » 26 Apr 2017, 11:38

Hi Banjobuddy!

Think we've come across each other on these boards before, so just thought I'd pop by and wish you all he best for tomorrow.

I had my LIS 12 days ago, and am in a similar situation to you, in that I work for myself and if I want to earn, I need to be at a PC. Well I had to stand, but I was back doing a couple of hours work within 5 days of the op, so I'm sure you'll be fine!

All the very best - and do keep us posted on your progress..
Mr F
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Mypoorbutt » 26 Apr 2017, 16:04

Good luck for tomorrow banjo
I'm sure everything will go smoothly and you will recover quickly
Take care
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Re: LIS Operation on Thursday

Postby Diaboliq » 27 Apr 2017, 10:16

The pain is much easier then I thought. I'm 8 days out. Good luck and get your life back!
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