by js50z » 23 Mar 2019, 09:49
new here. PLEASE HELP I have had anal fissure excisicio and papila removin with two stiches YEAR AND HALF AGO. Still having SEVERE PAINS, stool ripping,terrible pelvic pain, headaches, pains all over my body...that no one would beleive... I can not sit ( before I was able) at all for year and a half, I can hardly walk and the worse is when going to sleep becouse I do not know on which side to lie down becouse the whole pelvic floor is in terrible pain and the pain is getting worse and worse. WHY? I never had such pains before operation. I tried all what can I try seems nothing helps anymore. I am hitting with my head trough the wall of pains, can not stand anymore, no pain killers help. I was advised to do MR of pelvic, MR neurography and MR of pelvic veins. I AM ONE FOOT IN GRAVE!PLEASE ANY HELP!!!HELP!!!