Haemorrhoid after LIS?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Postby Sana12 » 09 Jan 2016, 16:57

Hello to everyone! I was reading this forum for over 3 years, when I first received my fissure. I spent 2 worst month of my life with agonizing spasms 24/7 and unbearable pain which was 11 on a 10 scale. My surgeon refused to operate me then due to possible side effects. The next 3 years I had numerous re-tears regardless of my strict water-supplements-fibers-stool softeners regimen. Also my passage had become so narrow that anything thicker than pinkie was ripping it and I could have no more than 2-3 good days at all following by weeks of pain and blood.
I tried everything and finally my doctor decided that it is time for me to have a surgery. It was done 2 days ago and since I am in Canada it called LAS(Lateral Anal Shincterotomy) and not LIS, but I guess it is the same surgery.
Now good things: post op pain was very minimal, more like soreness, nothing close to what I red here. I was so afraid of first BM, it only came today and was pain free ( maybe because the product was very soft)! It also looks like I won't need diapers, it feels different but I can control the process, I even managed to pass gas without leakage. Discharge is also minimal.
The bad things: my skin tag is huge and inflamed and under it I have something that reminds haemorrhoid. Both are VERY SORE!!!! I don't know how to treat it. I do sitz bath with Epsom salt like I was told but it doesn't help at all. My follow up appointment is in 2 weeks, not sure if I can convince the surgeon to see me earlier.
Did anyone had similar condition after surgery? Will appreciate good advise.
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Postby chachacha » 09 Jan 2016, 17:48

I went into LIS surgery (I'm also in Canada), with 1 tag and came out with 4 or 5, that my doctor says will be permanent. One of those was INCREDIBLY tender (would hurt tremendously if even a corner of the toilet paper glanced it), but over time, that tenderness diminished. The soreness on that tag took about 3 weeks to disappear completely, but each day was better than the last. I was advised to take 4 sitz baths per day, but I chose instead to take 4 full baths instead. If you're not already having several per day, you may increase your healing time by having more of them in the early days following surgery. It also helps to keep things clean down there. You are still very early on in the process, so hopefully things will improve for you soon.
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Postby Sana12 » 10 Jan 2016, 13:56

OMG, chachacha, 4-5 permanent tags!! I only have an old one with a big red ball-like something under it. I can barely seat because of it. Most likely it is not an abscess as I don't see a pus, feels like haemorrhoid class 4. I can't even push it in to reduce the pain and discomfort.
I took your advise about full bath instead of sitz bath, thank you. I really hate our Canadian health system, you know what I mean!
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Postby chachacha » 10 Jan 2016, 15:17

Yes! So I'm glad that I'm in my mid-50's, married, and don't care about how my bum hole now looks!

I hope that things calm down for you soon. Have you contacted your surgeon's office? If you have something that should be seen before the followup appointment, they may be quite happy to fit you in, but if your experience is like mine (with the VERY tender tag), you may be well on your way to getting better in just a few more days time.

I really didn't like the sitz bath at all, so went for the full bath instead. I have to admit that it was a pain to get undressed and into the tub so many times a day, and to then have to dry off (I used a hair dryer on low to dry the surgical site), but much preferred that to the sitz.

I have to admit that my family has been very fortunate on the health care front (this will probably jinx it though!), and have never had to wait more than a week or two for any specialist appointment that we needed.
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Postby Sana12 » 11 Jan 2016, 23:41

Well yesterday been in a lot of pain I visited ER and today I also showed the problem to my surgeon. It's thrombosed hemmie with skin tag on top :groan: ! It's been 3 days I have it and she doesn't want to cut out the thromb...I have to wait and let my body to fix it. She said she never had a patient with such problem after LiS in her practice before. So I am unique, it doesn't make me happy at all. Keep suffering, soak in a tub, swallow NSAD'S pills, put hot and cold to the area, apply steroid cream, but it started to sting a lot . Can't go back to work and normal life (Unfortunately I have unpaid sick live).
Just interesting fact: my fissure was at 12 o'clock and not at 3-5 o'clock where I felt the pain. At least she actually saw it as it was quite deep inside the canal and only could be seen under GA. I remember those times in the past when I came to ER with unbearable spasm pain, they looked in the area, saw nothing and look at me like I was crazy! :evil:
Chachacha, you are lucky with short waiting times, it probably depends on where you live ( I live in north Toronto). I am on mid forties, married, have husband and 2 teens, also don't care haw I look there, but so tiered of pain and all those long rituals and routines around going to the washroom! And it's quite expensive, I had to purchased bigger RV trailer so I don't have to use public facilities while camping. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Sana12 » 17 Jan 2016, 21:11

Hello, today is my 10th day post LIS. I feel a bit better finally, about 20% better. Although my hemorrhoid is still there, painful, large and firm and also draining a bit of blood and lymph. My skin tag is huge, about 12-15 mm, disgusting, reminds a little penis... I can walk better now, but quite slow with small steps only. Still can't seat longer than 1-2 hours. Unfortunately I have to go back to work tomorrow as I am not getting paid for sick live. I pray not to have BM at work!!!
BM are OK, the only pain is from skin tag and hemorrhoid. I have 2-3 strong spasms a day but they are from deep muscles, not sphincter.
My follow up is on Thursday, I will post right after.
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Postby chachacha » 17 Jan 2016, 21:32

I couldn't sit on a hard chair for quite a few weeks after the surgery (maybe 5 or 6), but could sit on a cushion or couch after about three weeks. Wishing you all the best tomorrow, and I hope that things continue to improve.
Fissure since about 2007
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Postby Sana12 » 24 Jan 2016, 17:45

Hi everyone, I am 3 weeks post LIS. Despite the fact that I have huge skin tag with attached hemmie, I think I feel better than before my LIS. I have easy going pain free BM!!! I do have some pain from hemmie but it's so much less than fissure pain I had for 4 years, so surgery was worth it. I keep my regimen of water-fibers-stool softner-restoralax as I am not completely healed. A few days before follow up I found stiches stickin out of my butt, that was a surprise, I thought I only had internal... Apperently I had an open LIS. Recently I saw a video of this procedure, I almost past out! Good it was after the surgery and not before.
I have another follow up at the end of February to see what my options for skin tag and hemmie. Somehow I doubt if I could ever be completely normal down there. I hope they will shrink more and I will not need another surgery with unpredicted result (surgeon said that I am special) and possible complications. I also booked second opinion but the problem is that in Ontario colorectal surgeons are treating cancer and not interesting in fissures and skin tags. The only one I could find thanks to this forum is in Ottawa and I live in Toronto. My family physician doesn't know anyone. I did found a clinic that deals with my problem but doctors there are in fact general surgeons. I would really appreciate any advise.
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