Diarrhoea after surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Postby Hope79 » 20 Apr 2018, 01:36

Hello, I just had LIS, the doctor prescribed some drugs I should take during my healing process and liquid parrafin is one of them. It is Day 4 after my surgery and I’m having diarrhoea, I’ve been going to the toilet like almost 8 times a day, I don’t experience pain during my bowel moment but I experience pain after my bowel movement which is so bad that I cry. I talked with my doctor about it and the doctor said I should stop taking the liquid parrafin.....but after I stopped taking it, I’m still having diarrhoea. Please what is the worse thing that can happen having diarrhoea after LIS, will it cause complications? Will it stop the open wound from healing? Why do I feel so much pain after bowel moment and not during bowel movement? Please I need your advice. Thank you.
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Postby Deleted User 7114 » 30 Apr 2018, 08:28

Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering. I would keep off the liquid parrafin if it is giving you diarrhea. And if you are still having diarrhea, your body might just need a few more days to work the rest of the liquid paraffin out of your system. Are you also taking laxatives such as Miralax? (that can cause pretty bad diarrhea if you take too much). The only problem with diarrhea is that it is acidic and burns the fissure when you have a BM, which may explain why you have pain afterwards. But don't worry about the fissure not healing quickly enough. If you have had LIS, you have time on your side. I find that a hot sitz bath helps relieve the pain immensely when I have a stinging/burning BM. Are you eating a high-fibre diet and drinking lots of water?

If you are only on day 4 after surgery, give your body time. It took me two full weeks to feel human again, three weeks to start driving and moving around again, and four weeks to get my life back. (I'm at 7.5 weeks and still not fully healed).

Keep us posted about how you get on over the next days and weeks.
Deleted User 7114


Postby Hope79 » 30 Apr 2018, 11:44

Thank you Hedge! It’s 2 weeks now and I feel so much better, but I still feel uncomfortable because my anus started to itch and I sit in warm Water with salt to stop the itching and it works. I still feel a little bit sore but it’s not as bad as last time. I’ve stopped taking any form of laxatives to prevent diarrhoea....I don’t take Miralax, I’m eating a moderate fiber diet and drinking lots of water that’s not cold but warm or hot, it helps with my bowel movement. I stay away from alcohol so that it can heal fast and not make it worse. I can’t wait to be healed fully. Thanks again for your reply and your concern.
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Postby Deleted User 7114 » 30 Apr 2018, 14:47

I’m glad you are feeling better and have found a way to soothe the itching. That’s great news! Also itching is a sign of heal. It’s onwards and upwards now!
Deleted User 7114

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