Hello all. I'm brand-new to the forum but I did some lurking over the past year. Long story short, I've been battling fissure issues for the past year and a half, probably ones that healed longer. I'm not much of a form poster. But over the next couple days I won't have much to do. I'll try to keep this updated.
So today I had lateral internal sphincterotomy surgery. Prep was easy. I managed to get most of a fleet enema and it did it's job. After that off to the surgical center. The preop was pretty standard and surgery apparently went well. Not that I would know, I was asleep.
So immediately after surgery there wasn't much pain as a local anesthetic had been applied. The car ride home was about 30 minutes of discomfort but no real pain yet. When I got home the local had worn off and there was more pain and discomfort. Probably about six on the pain scale. I decided to take off the surgical dressing about three hours after I got home and take a sitz bath. this brought my pain level down to about a 5. I Popped three 200 mg ibuprofens and at about five hours after getting home I am at a pain level of about three. Pretty tolerable. I'm going to try to stick with ibuprofen only to avoid constipation. I passed gas about three times on the toilet to be safe and there wasn't any more pain associated with that process. I am assuming the fact that I made it to the toilet means that any incontinence is not yet present.
Be happy to answer any questions if you guys have them.