LIS Today 11/4

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS Today 11/4

Postby fissure fuzzy » 04 Nov 2016, 18:51

Hello all. I'm brand-new to the forum but I did some lurking over the past year. Long story short, I've been battling fissure issues for the past year and a half, probably ones that healed longer. I'm not much of a form poster. But over the next couple days I won't have much to do. I'll try to keep this updated.

So today I had lateral internal sphincterotomy surgery. Prep was easy. I managed to get most of a fleet enema and it did it's job. After that off to the surgical center. The preop was pretty standard and surgery apparently went well. Not that I would know, I was asleep.

So immediately after surgery there wasn't much pain as a local anesthetic had been applied. The car ride home was about 30 minutes of discomfort but no real pain yet. When I got home the local had worn off and there was more pain and discomfort. Probably about six on the pain scale. I decided to take off the surgical dressing about three hours after I got home and take a sitz bath. this brought my pain level down to about a 5. I Popped three 200 mg ibuprofens and at about five hours after getting home I am at a pain level of about three. Pretty tolerable. I'm going to try to stick with ibuprofen only to avoid constipation. I passed gas about three times on the toilet to be safe and there wasn't any more pain associated with that process. I am assuming the fact that I made it to the toilet means that any incontinence is not yet present.

Be happy to answer any questions if you guys have them.
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby Savaici » 04 Nov 2016, 20:35

I am sure you're glad it's done! Keep us posted as to how you're doing.
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby fissure fuzzy » 05 Nov 2016, 20:25

Day 2: Much less pain today. Lots of sitz baths. There was an 2 hour period after my first BM (since the surgery) where the pain level spiked to a 4. There was a lot of blood with the BM (to be expected) but no initial pain. It took about 20 minutes after to kick in. No incontinence or draining so far. Looking forward to some solid sleep tonight.
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby fissure fuzzy » 07 Nov 2016, 14:01

Days 3 and 4 have been kind of the same. Pain after morning BM's then it subsides and I feel progressively better through out the day. Today I feel pretty good almost like a normal human again. No drainage that I can see and no incontinence yet. Fingers staying crossed.

Heating pad is nice relief between baths.
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Nov 2016, 14:17

Hi ff,
Glad to hear your doing well. I'm due for my LIS tomorrow and am panicking slightly my spasms have stopped as long as I'm careful obviously the burning and stinging is still there.
My question were you having bad spasms before the surgery and did the surgery stop them or had your spasms calmed down and if so did the surgery set them off,
Sorry for rambling but as you can probably tell I'm terrified of the spasms starting again and am hoping the surgery doesn't set them off
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby Hafzaal » 07 Nov 2016, 15:00

Mypoorbutt wrote:Hi ff,
Glad to hear your doing well. I'm due for my LIS tomorrow and am panicking slightly my spasms have stopped as long as I'm careful obviously the burning and stinging is still there.
My question were you having bad spasms before the surgery and did the surgery stop them or had your spasms calmed down and if so did the surgery set them off,
Sorry for rambling but as you can probably tell I'm terrified of the spasms starting again and am hoping the surgery doesn't set them off

I am in the same boat as you are. No spasms at all but I do get the burning pain and a tight feeling and am considering LIS as well. Let us know how it goes for you :)
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby fissure fuzzy » 07 Nov 2016, 16:00

Hello MPB,

Before the surgery I guess I had more spasms than your "normal" person. I have noticed the spasm are definitely "toned down" as they say. Doc said I had a food size fissure with some scar tissue.

As of right now, 40 hours after surgery I sit in the driver seat of my car (in my driveway) pain free, like I never had surgery or a fissure. I know this will change with my next BM but it's getting better every day. I know there is a road ahead as well but I feel really good about the decision right now

Obviously, so far, I recommend the procedure.

One thing that never help me when I was at my worst or was having any kind of flareup for that matter was stressing and worrying. Try to do anything you can to take your mind off of worrying. I know it's hard but try and focus on something positive and Calm.

I hope you have a speedy recovery and get some relief.

Best of luck friend!
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby Mypoorbutt » 07 Nov 2016, 17:13

Thanx so much for the reply,
My spasms were horrendous in August but with cream n diet they are under control and I guess I'm seriously panicking that any messing around down there will set them off...but it needs doing as the fissure is very much still there only being held at bay really.
This has made me feel much more relaxed I was dreading days and days of spasms till it calmed down again good to know 2 days later you have pain free hours.
Hopefully it's a smooth healing journey for you
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby paine » 30 Jan 2017, 02:16

Hi fizzure fuzzy how are you doing now? I had the LIS 4 days ago. I just want to know how is everything months after surgery?
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Re: LIS Today 11/4

Postby fissure fuzzy » 06 Feb 2017, 14:16

Hi Paine,

Had my last follow up last Thursday. Got the all clear. No follow ups no more laxatives. Haven't had fissure pain in 3 weeks or so.

I hit a wall at about 10 weeks where I wasn't getting better every couple days. The doc prescribed suppositories. I resisted at first because when they melt, farts become sharts. I decided to try them overnight and stuff some TP in my crack. Worked wonders. Really pushed the healing. I would highly recommend if you're prescribed.
Last edited by fissure fuzzy on 14 Feb 2017, 21:47, edited 1 time in total.
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