LIS Today

Is this normal?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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LIS Today

Postby sb2 » 09 Jun 2014, 12:46

Just left the hospital for my LIS and Fissurectomy and had a weird experience before leaving. The won't let you go until you can urinate. When I did, I noticed I couldn't tighten up my sphincter to "finish" urinating. It is freaking me out - it feels like I have no control back there. I asked the nurse if this is normal, and she said yes, but it was kind of a brush off, almost like she wasn't sure. Anyway, anxious to hear from others who have been through this to know if this is normal, and does control back there return?
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Re: LIS Today

Postby Roidsfizzman » 09 Jun 2014, 16:03


When I had my LIS, I had no feeling in the area right after the surgery bacause of the pain shot that I received in the anal area. It took me about 24 hours, to start feeling in the area. If you received a pain shot, it could be causing you to not have control of your external sphincter. Right after surgery that entire area is in truma and I had difficulty in moving the sphincter for a couple of days because it hurt so much.
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Re: LIS Today

Postby sb2 » 09 Jun 2014, 16:07

Thanks Roidsfizzman. That is a relief. Was worried this was the dreaded incontinence that we are all so concerned about before the surgery. I'm hoping the feeling and control comes back tomorrow.
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Re: LIS Today

Postby Jbl22424 » 09 Jun 2014, 18:03

Hi sb2. I had no control over gas for the first day or two. It escaped me like an exhale, the muscle did not contract. As the days passed, the muscle did start to contract again and then it stung until the incision site healed. I had read about that on this forum so was not surprised or alarmed. Not sure if thats the same sensation that you are talking about... but give it a few days, I'm sure you are fine.
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Re: LIS Today

Postby sb2 » 09 Jun 2014, 18:33

Thanks JBL. This is very encouraging as I have been telling myself - I hope I have the same experience with this as JBL. This is a great forum!
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Re: LIS Today

Postby Jbl22424 » 09 Jun 2014, 19:55

I hope you do, too! Keep us posted!
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Re: LIS Today

Postby agnibeat » 10 Jun 2014, 20:29

Hello sb2,
You have done the right thing by having the surgery. Now relax and take all precautions as advised by the doctor.
The hospital would want to make sure that patients urinate within 8 hours of surgery. Max 12 hours. Otherwise they advise to go to ER Center to put in a catheter...
Do not worry about incontinence... Think positive. Be positive... All will be well...
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Re: LIS Today

Postby sb2 » 10 Jun 2014, 20:42

Thanks everyone. Well, day 2 was up and down. I did get more control back down there, but it is still very loose. I guess that was the idea. Had a decent bm this morning with more burning than pain. Very little spasming. Surgical site is very sore and was bleeding earlier tonight. Also noticed an external hemorrhoid that is painful. Will give that another day or two before calling CRS. Hoping every day will be better.
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Re: LIS Today

Postby agnibeat » 10 Jun 2014, 20:43

sb2 - good to know you had your first bm post op.. Another milestone achieved ! Good for you! You are on the road to recovery.. Take it easy and good luck!
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Re: LIS Today

Postby Jbl22424 » 10 Jun 2014, 22:28

That all sounds normal. The little spasming is a good sign I think!
Developed fissure from constipation due to breastfeeding 7 weeks after delivery (Jan 2014)
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