by queenofpain » 14 Jan 2014, 09:04
Hi Hopefulbutt,
No, I never had the testing or procedure that you mention. I will look them up, though.
My CRS has been practicing for over 40 years, and thinks he knows everything. Actually, he's supposed to be quite an expert, and has written extensively. He just doesn't like to hear counterthought.
At the last visit (Fall), he postulated that pain is from the muscle not being stretched with normal stools. He doesn't mind my being on Miralax, but wants me off M.O.M. I have been down to only 1 TBS of M.O.M. the past year, though. The reason why I rely on these products is because I suffered a lot of pain for a month and a half following LIS, and the area continues to be very vulnerable. A few days of more formed stools last May led to pain until November.
He did an exam with his finger last visit, and doesn't think there's anything identifiable that's leading to the pain. He said I should be done with this by now. He offered to show me how to stretch the area with a candle, even though the anus is meant to be stretched from the inside-out. This frightens me; he can be impatient. I've never been able to even get creams very far into me. He said, though, that if I would stretch it, I would be out of pain in a month. From my experience with pain, though, I really doubt it.
I'm probably going to see another CRS that I saw last summer when my CRS was on leave. Thanks for the reply!