My Absess->Fistula->Fistulotomy+Cutting Seton Experience

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Re: My Absess->Fistula->Fistulotomy+Cutting Seton Experience

Postby Cat001 » 23 Mar 2018, 16:12

Hi again... I’m back.
Thought I would share with you what’s been happening here and hoping you might be able to shed some light to the questions I have at the end?
Booked in for laying open of high anal fistula (fistulotomy) + insertion of stitch

I was told that the MRI scan showed it as high.
When I came round I was told that a seton was not required as wasn’t as high as they had initially thought.
So being rather graphic, and apologies in advance, I have about an inch cut above the anus passage.

Here is what’s been happening:

Op day (Friday)
Was in at 7am and was the first person down to theatre.
Very scared and nervous
Came round a little emotional and throbbing ache feeling in the area.
Went home that evening with friend who stayed overnight.
Lay on the sofa and stuck to the pain management given to me by hospital and took a laxido
Didn’t sleep very well, couldn’t get comfy
Managed 5 hours overall

Day one (Saturday)
Woke up and had breakfast, laxido and anti biotic as well as pain management
Had bowel movement almost immediately after. Wasn’t as bad as I thought! Straight into shower for 15 mins.
Are as normal and resting all day, showered a few times throughout the day. Friend stayed with me again today.
Today I was bleeding a lot more than the other days, assuming this is because I had a bowel movement. Was a little freaked out as no one tells you what’s a normal amount.

Day two (Sunday)
Woke up and had breakfast, laxido and anti biotic as well as pain management.
Had bowel movement almost immediately after breakfast again. Back in the shower.
Rested all day again and showered several times. Less bleeding and less freaking out.

Day three (Monday)
Woke up and had breakfast, laxido and anti biotic, no pain management this morning as want to not rely on this. Only took 2 paracetamol at 18.30 and again at 22.30.
Had a bowel movement as usual after breakfast.
Today I felt really nauseous and tired. Have rested again all day.

Day four (Tuesday)
Woke up and immediately had a bowel movement, showered then had breakfast, laxido and anti biotics. A friend came over today so they took me to small lock shop for 10 minutes which meant I got some air and essentials. Rested all day and then as I got into bed had another bowel movement.. back in the shower and back into bed. No pain management all day.

Day five (Wednesday)
Didn’t sleep well. 8.30am had a laxido.
Went to the toilet and spent 10 mins in the shower. Had some breakfast.
Today I have twinges and some mucus more than yesterday. No pain meds again.

Day 6 (Thursday)
Same as yesterday. No pain meds again

Day 7 (Friday) today
No BM this AM. Laxido at 8.30am
So today I’ve been out and about for 2.5 hours doing some shopping.
I have some light coloured mucas today, not too much and no pain meds.

So all in all, I feel okay and no pain at all.
I know that this is a little odd but I wanted to ask some questions in hope someone will be able to help?

I am a big gym goer, weight training, so legs, squats etc, how long after surgery would you recommend not training for?
Is it normal to still have mucas 7 days later? And how long should I expect to have this?
How long will the 1 inch hole be there for?

I appreciate the feedback and support on this.
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Re: My Absess->Fistula->Fistulotomy+Cutting Seton Experience

Postby gizzard88 » 31 Mar 2018, 02:09

Sorry for slow response. I was having a lot of trouble getting to this forum for some reason.
Now 2.5 months from my surgery. Lifted weights for the first time last week.
Hole was there for a month or so after the seton dropped. Depends a lot on the damage and your body. Just be glad you didnt get the seton!

This is most likely my last post. I hope my experience is helpful for those who face this in the future! Best of luck guys!
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Re: My Absess->Fistula->Fistulotomy+Cutting Seton Experience

Postby Cat001 » 31 Mar 2018, 03:40

Thank you for replying.
Your posts and replies have been really helpful.
I am glad I didn’t have the seton, very lucky.
Good luck for the future and again thank you! X
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Re: My Absess->Fistula->Fistulotomy+Cutting Seton Experience

Postby Dimitri71 » 12 May 2018, 09:33

Cat how long did you get discharge?
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