Hi all. I am so upset and need to vent right now. I have been going to a pelvic pain clinic for a year or so now and have been getting physio from an excellent therapist there for the last 4 months and injections from a gynecologist there periodically over the last year. I just got back from an appointment that I was anxiously waiting for as I continue to have so much pain and don't know if it's caused by my incision site (which is still not healed) or my pelvic floor muscles. I have gotten some benefit from the physio but it doesn't last so I thought some trigger point injections would be the way to go.
Well, I have been rescheduling my CRS follow ups for months now as I wanted to avoid any prying while I continue to heal but just got pried by my gynecologist HORRIBLY!

She wanted to have a look at how it was doing back there and with my legs in the stirrups (not even a good viewing position and with not even a light) she pries and I moan in pain and she pries more, and more. I felt the skin right at the breaking point and really don't know how much damage was done as I wouldn't be able to tell blood from all the iodine she uses on the area but I am soooooooo SORE! And so UPSET and so VIOLATED!
And all I get from my Husband (who was there) is that "well, she wanted to have a look" and "you can control everything" Screw that! Why can't I control whether someone pries my incision area? What about my request that we not look and what about me screaming in pain? I trusted her and I am angry and so sad (I can't stop crying). My appointments with this Doctor are so rushed you just get no time to talk. If I had time I could have told her that it is so delicate and that I am barely able to heal down there. It all happened so fast.

It's just been too long to take a step back like this now. I know what is done is done but I just can't shake this.

Rant over. Thanks for listening, if you made it this far.