I'm new here..
Actually this is my first post.. However I've probably read every post on here in the last few months.
But after my surgery I thought I should come post my story.
I got constipated once back in February while I was on antibiotics. And I felt some pain one day after bowel movement. It was bad but tolerable. But each day seemed a little worse. But still I could manage. If I laid down for half hour , I'd be ok. But it's slowly kept getting worse and started being sharper pain that would last longer so I finally went to my family doctor.
She said drink lots of water and eat lots of fiber. So I did. And for another month things weren't getting better.
I went back and she sent me to ER because I had a fever (fear of infection) ER booked me for a colonoscopy two days later.
So I did colonoscopy and Doctor said I had a fissure and a hemorrhoid, and to eat more fiber and drink more water, and I got nifedipine and pain killers.
But the awful thing is that the colonoscopy made me worse! Way worse! (I know it was neccesary to do but how awful) the test must have scraped against the fissure going in and coming out of me because the next morning bowel movement was the worst pain of my life (and I've had kids and surgeries)
For the next two weeks I suffered way more than that last four months. 7-8 hours a day of screaming agonizing pain. My life was a mess, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't take care of my kids at all, it was horrific. I think I've read every article and remedy on the Internet. I tried eveything. Everything.
I also bought every OTC med that exists. Some made me burn, some did nothing. I ate a perfect diet of both types of fibers. But every morning I would dread going to the washroom (and I go everyday at 7:30 like clockwork)
And though my bowel movements were soft and easy, the pain would start in about ten mins and get worse and worse. I couldn't get my kids ready for school or take them. I couldn't walk, sit, stand, or lay down. I was going crazy, screaming and crying. I tried warm bath, ice, creams, oils, nothing would work.
I went back to see the doc that did the colonoscopy two weeks later (this past Friday)
And he asked me how I'm feeling and I just started crying. So he said come in tomorrow for sphincterotomy and hemorrhoidectomy. I cried more. Cause I've read so many horror stories. I was so scared. He looked at me and said "you want me to fix you?" I said yes. And I went back the next day (Saturday)
I went in at noon. Was out at 3. I won't lie, I was in pain once the anesthesia wore off. A different type of pain. Plus all the dressing shoved up pretty tight was causing pain as well. Doc talked to me after surgery for a few mins. And warned me that my first bowel movement was going to hurt. The thought of more pain made me cry again (a lot of crying the past few months yes)
I cried all the way home in the car and once I got home I laid on my side and took my pain meds. It was painful yes, but not as brutal as the fissure pain.
I was home for one hour and suddenly I felt the urge for a bowel movement. Off schedule, and of all time now! Seriously? What luck!?I still had the surgery dressing in and I just got home. I almost fainted from fear. But I went to washroom.. Had a movement. And got straight in bath. Honestly, it wasn't that bad! It hurt, yes, a bit. Nothing compared to the past while! Nothing like the agonizing spasms of the past weeks. I actually took a deep breath and relaxed. Oh my god I did it! I felt at ease. Yes my butt still hurt. Lots of pressure. Felt like I was kicked there.
It was hard to sleep that night, but kept on pain meds ever four hours. I was able to sleep the night too.. Tough to roll over but honestly I slept ok.
Yesterday I woke up with some pain, walked slowly and easily. Spent most the day laying on my side watching tv. Only got up for washroom. Just took it easy. Had a bowel movement that was again actually quite fine. Little pain. And straight to the tub.
And here I am today. Much better already. It hasn't even been 48 hours and I just had bowel movement and sat in the bath.
I'm so relieved. I'm so happy I did the surgery. I'm just gonna take it easy the next week but I can feel myself getting better.
If you can do the surgery, I say do it!!