Hey everybody
Here is my experience with anal fissure. I hope you have some advices for me.
I started having painful stools about 8 months ago. At first I thought those were hemorrhoids, so i used different creams which didn't help. Later I self examined myself, and saw I have anal fissure, and not hemorrhoids. I eat fiber with every meal, I drink probably 4 liters of water daily, I do sports, and I tried using cream with nitroglicerine, and later sudocrem. Also I used laxatives regulary for few months - lactulose, and macrogol. At first for few days all seems to help, but later it's just like it was before... My fissure just won't heal Also for last few months ocassionaly I get diarrhea (like one time in few days).
edit: It seems when ever my stool is normal anal fissure heals a little, my problem is that my stool is very often eather too hard or liquid