by Chan » 27 Feb 2012, 09:38
I am a retiree, 63 years from Singapore. In March 2010, I experienced Anal pain on and off and traces of blood in TP. Saw consultant and professor at National University. Told me that my sphincters were tight. Prescribed painkiller Celebrex and electrogalvanic treatment ( a vibrating electric probe) to relax sphincters. No improvement after 3 months. Seek another opinion from Singapore General Hospital. Hand colonoscopy. Told I had anal fissure. Treated with GTN, lignocaine and fibre. After 2 months, pain got worse. Excruciating pain 24 hours no sleep. A full professor did the Lis for me. Pain continued and after one month was hospitalised for pain treatment at the General Hospital. Given all types of painkillers (Lyrica, tramadour etc). Pain continued and discharged me after 8 days. Told me the pain was in my head!!!. Continued to prescribed painkillers and fibre. Gosh pure torture everyday without fail. Since I got no relief from government doctors, I went Colorectal surgeon hunting at various specialist clinics. All checked and said that my fissure had healed and cannot understand my pain. Thought I was crazy and referred me to the Pain Clinic and was prescribed Gabapentin(neurontin). I went to a Mental hospital and was given anti depressives in order to snatch some sleep. ( I was suicidal) After 4 months, the excuciating pains subsided but replaced by awful tingling, pulling, twitching cutting, itching spasms after each bm. These lasted for hours. I became bedridden lying on my couch whole day. Saw TCM (traditional chinese medicine) doctors and had acupuncture. Also tried all types of cream - honey, wheat grass, aloe vera, proctosedyl, Preparation H, Lanolin, Vaseline etc. It is nearing March now and my illness is not resolved The government doctors (with long strings of degrees and titles) told me that they don't know what to do and leave me at the hands of the the doctors at the Pain Clinic and Institute of Mental Health. No, I do not imagine those pains and I don't have other illness like Crohn's Disease or IBS. What trigger this sad saga, I think is that after my retirement I did weight lifting (the squating type) and probably damaged some nerves. My case is just treated by my Singapore doctors as Idiopathic anal pains and leave me to suffer...... Sad story ...Hope I do not discourage anyone with this awful horrific disease. I am old and this makes the healing process difficult and hope that you have met better doctors than the ones I had.