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Newbie to site

Postby stevieb » 27 Dec 2017, 08:38

Hi guys and girls,

I'm a 62 year old man and I live in the uk and have been cursed with a fissure for a couple of months now.

Thankfully I found your site whilst 'Googling' for any help or advice for the pain associated with fissures. And must say there are a lot of positive comments, but also so many people suffering with this horrid condition over such a long periods of time.

My fissure appeared out of nowhere, as I can't relate it to a specific painful BM. It just started to hurt one day when I was driving and I didn't know why? At first i thought I had piles, but the doctor said (after a very painful one finger inspection), that it was a fissure.

Prescribed NGT cream and told to take sitz baths, take Fybergel and Dulcoease. I've been doing this religiously now for 6 weeks or so and I'm sick to death of drinking water, as all I want to do is pee. He also said, other than that there's nothing really we can do.

Over that last three days, I've not had any bleeding with BM's, although still a little bit painful. But still in a lot of pain for several hours afterwards. Could the lack of blood mean that it is slowly starting to heal??

Thanks for any advice,support or counselling.

Your sincerely one desperate old man :-(
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Re: Newbie to site

Postby Hopefull123 » 28 Dec 2017, 17:43

Hi, Stevieb, it takes for the nitro a few weeks to notice results, but I restore a few times due to breaking my diet over the holidays. So take advantage of it, but you must be religious with diet and stool softeners for at least 6 weeks if no pain. Then you can start reintroducing constipating foods like dairy, sugar, rice, gluten. And you can slowly reduce the laxatives. It is a very very slow healing process and the main setbacks are larger, harder stools. I hope you feel better soon. Once you reach no pain stage, count at least six weeks before breaking your routine.
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Re: Newbie to site

Postby stevieb » 29 Dec 2017, 06:53

Thanks for the encouraging words.

I guess it the slow healing process that is so frustrating.

I appreciate your comments and I’ll continue to do all the right things.
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