No pain during BM, but still burning all day

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No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby eklmaria » 29 Apr 2020, 07:38

Hi all- I am just wondering if anyone else has the experience of not feeling pain during bowel movements, but still feeling burning most of the day. I had one painful bowel movement a few weeks ago, but that’s it. The burning is most intense in the middle of the night and keeps me up. I’m just wondering what’s preventing me from healing.
I’ve had the fissure for 6 weeks but the CRS said it’s chronic because there has been no healing.
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby SueMac » 30 Apr 2020, 12:21

Hi there, I am the same in that a bm doesn’t hurt at the time but I get pain afterwards. Mine is healed but my brain keeps sending pain messages unnecessarily- I’ve been struggling to get this to stop for a while now.
Did the crs have any ideas on what to try next if they thought you weren’t healed? Or did they just send you away?
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby eklmaria » 30 Apr 2020, 13:03

SueMac wrote: Did the crs have any ideas on what to try next if they thought you weren’t healed? Or did they just send you away?

Thanks for the reply! He suggested I have surgery but I felt it was way too soon and I also am very against the idea of surgery. He gave me Nifedipine which I am waiting to see if it will work, but it my CRS seemed to think surgery was the best option.
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby SueMac » 02 May 2020, 05:29

It's hard for me to advice on if you should have surgery or not. You should try chatting to others on forum who have had surgery. Look at old posts as well o here there is a lot of info.
Anyway meanwhile def give the Nifedipine a time to work - it's six weeks for rectogesic I think so I'm guessing its similar?
I'm in the situation where as I said my CRS said 18 months ago you are healed no open fissure but as many others have found pain messages continue to get sent and it's stopping your brain sending them . This does not happen to everyone most people heal and it's done. Although always take care with soft BM etc on going. Good luck with your meds fingers crossed.
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby eklmaria » 06 May 2020, 15:37

Yeah I’m going to try the nifedipine for a few months. I am not really considering surgery unless it seems necessary by my surgeon, so I will look into other methods of healing if the nifedipine doesn’t work out. Thanks!
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby SueMac » 07 May 2020, 11:39

All the best and keep us posted on progress
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby tinberlake » 22 Aug 2020, 08:16

the same, i had no bleeding no pain during BM, (last year oct had a small precedure for anal fistula a small one)but i do feel a lot pain especially after anal sex. and i can't toally not bike it killed me. conclusion, tear in the sphincter. did 2 times botox, now on diltiazem cream, it takes time but i feel so much better. did not have anal sex for 3 months ordered pranicura online. review says it's like elixir, tring to see where its going to take me to.
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Re: No pain during BM, but still burning all day

Postby SueMac » 23 Aug 2020, 15:05

Sorry to hear that, keep posted on forum as to how the pranicura works for you. Fingers crossed as sounds like you are suffering still,
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