No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

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No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Diaboliq » 21 Apr 2017, 09:16

Hello, I'm new here but I've been reading for quite a while. Things got extremely bad, so I straight up decided to have the LIS and get my life back.
I had LIS on Wednesday mid day, and today is Friday morning. I know sitz baths are always recommended and it seems like everyone does them multiple times per day, but I (in my one year suffering with AF) have only tried laying in the tub a few times. At first I thought it helped with the pain, but I stopped them and the pain was still the same as taking baths.
Needless to say, I always chose to lay down rather then soaking.

So now I am post surgery, and still haven't used the sitz bath. I've been showering in the morning, and I use the detachable shower head (oh thank god we decided to get a detachable shower head!). Is this enough? I don't want to risk infection, but I don't see the point In continuously getting it wet and having to dry it. I am leaking blood since the surgery, and haven't had a BM yet.
Any thoughts?

Also, it's technically less then 48 hours and my pain level is literally 0/10. I can feel the stitches, and if I move with too much pressure it hurts a bit, but besides that, no pain. Is this common? Seems like everything I read, people are still hurting 2-8 weeks after.

Thanks for reading!
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Mr Fissure » 21 Apr 2017, 09:31

Hi Diaboliq

I had my LIS a week today and my CRS advised that I do what you said, just wash with a detachable shower head or sitz bath if you have one. I do, but I have an injured adductor muscle so sitting on it for more than 2 or 3 mins becomes unbearable LOL! If you haven't had a BM yet, I wouldn't be overly concerned anyway, as I believe the main risk of infection comes when the wound/incision is in contact with faeces.

I am still experiencing some minor intermittent stinging pain and itching during the day from my LIS/AF, and struggle to sit for more than about half an hour at a time, especially in the evenings, when I'm tired, so the fact that you have no pain, I'd take as a very positive sign!

Good luck!
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Diaboliq » 22 Apr 2017, 16:14

I just had my first BM and had literally zero pain. Then just hit the shower, had another one, then another one after that, and I only had minor soreness after the BMs. Before 3 days ago I would have been dying in pain. Now I'm only sore.

What did you eat after surgery? I'm contemplating Chinese food. Bad idea?
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Mr Fissure » 23 Apr 2017, 08:00

Great news, Diabolique, well done!

My CRS recommended keeping the diet simple in the first week or so, with plenty of fibre and water...
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Diaboliq » 24 Apr 2017, 05:51

Yeah same here, but I'm DYING to eat some "real" food. I've lost 15 lbs more then I originally intended (went from 235lbs-173lbs in the last 8 months. 190 was my goal), so i'm so ready to eat without worrying about it ruining my life again. Only cheated with the Chinese, but it came out perfectly fine!!!!
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Becka456 » 27 Apr 2017, 15:21

Hi Diaboliq, glad your doing really well! I've just had the LIS today and really nervous about the pain kicking in, they gave me a local anaesthetic! Did you not have much pain with your first BM? I'm dreading it
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Diaboliq » 27 Apr 2017, 16:10

I purposely didn't eat the day before, barely anything the day of, and very little the day after so that I could wait a few days to have a BM. After I realized what was going on down there I thought to myself "how can I possibly shit out of this?!" And was also dreading it. Honestly the first BM I had was super soft and it felt like nothing. Pulling the packing out after surgery was 10x worse, even though it wasn't THAT bad, it was still worse. Definitely pull the packing out ASAP. It caused a lot of pain before pulling it out. But to answer your question, the BM was nothing to worry about. I had a lot of pressure after, as if I still had to go, and kind of took the place of the burning and spasms. I'm on day 8 or so and it's gotten a little better, but definitely a hell of a lot better then what I've gone through for the last year or so. Good luck!!
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Diaboliq » 27 Apr 2017, 16:11

If you'd like to chat about it you can email me. I haven't done anything for 8 days now, so I'm free lol
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Becka456 » 27 Apr 2017, 20:06

I've woken up in so much pain I can't sleep through it, I don't have any packing at all on my stitches, and can only take paracetamol, what did you do for the pain?
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Re: No Sitz bath post-LIS bad?

Postby Mypoorbutt » 28 Apr 2017, 01:55

Hi Becka,
I forget do you take gabapentin if so could you up the dose for today just to get you through.
I also rubbed ibuprofen gel on my butt cheeks and my wrists just to try and get some anti inflammatory stuff in there
Good luck
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