by pinpin » 19 Jun 2013, 00:53
Thanks for response, today I visited another doctor doing Botox. Though ladies in registration mixed something and today he was not accepting as CSR, but as abdominal USI diagnostic.
But he listened to me, and told he is doing botox almost 5 year already. And some persons required 2-3 round of botox, so this is similar to what you say. Cost is approximately 120 dollars. Though they are getting botox from plastic surgeons, as they buy it more than regular doses(big packs). So it appears to be cheaper for patients also.
I will have real appointment with him next Thursday, which is good, as it will give +1 week for my nitro combo to work, and probably it will be better so I will have time to reconsider botox. Though 4 months of hell is not something human should tolerate, I believe.
Also I notice strange thing, I apply nitro in morninig as I wake up, after BM each day around 18:00, and before sleep 22:00. So most tight feeling I have in the mornings, which is weird as I slept and was relaxed.
I will keep posted until my appointment next Thursday. But most likely I will opt for botox, as it didn't sound to be something bad.
Ahh, he also mentioned general muscle relaxants, which may help, I think nobody here mention them a lot, but probably something to try also.
I was glad he was aware of nitro and nifedipine, also doing botox, but he mentioned nobody in my country does LIS. He told we try to get modern treatment methods, but nobody really is experienced and learned to do LIS. That is puty, they know how to cut you out, but don't know how to heal cuts :)))
07.02.2013 - got open hemorrhoidectomy, leaded to slow healing wound.
Link to story11.12.2013 - LIS surgery