not healing :(

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Re: not healing :(

Postby Guest » 14 Nov 2007, 11:42

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on bad circulation. As I'm typing right now my hands and feet are frozen and my face is bright red. Plus it's been a stressful day at work, which doesn't help. Juney I hope you have a good appointment.

Re: not healing :(

Postby juney » 14 Nov 2007, 13:10

thanks G. my appt was pretty good, considering. i go in feeling angry at my surgeon for not making me better, but i leave knowing that he really does care and is genuinely baffled by why i haven't healed. i have an appt with a CRS in 3 1/2 weeks!! my surgeon's not even sure what the CRS willl recommend at this point, maybe a round of botox. i thought botox was a before-surgery option, but at this point i'll try anything! maybe the CRS will at least have some more ideas for coping with it, etc.
he did take a peak down there and said it looks like it's trying to heal. it's still visible though, which i already knew. he literally has no idea why i'm not healing like most people do. he didn't think the circulation issues had much to do with it since i've had 2 LIS and that's the whole point of the surgery....

so i'm just gonna keep doing everything i'm doing - baths, supplements, healthy diet, etc. and i've added a dab of neosporin after every bath for good measure. the dr said using MOM everyday is fine in addition to everything else, if it makes me feel better. maybe by the time i see the specialist i'll be improving again! fingers still crossed!
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Re: not healing :(

Postby Guest » 14 Nov 2007, 18:52

well I'm glad you at least got empathy from your surgeon - mine just told me to relax. I wanted to stab him in the eye with his anuscope.
I don't know what's going on with my fissure. There has been no changes to my diet; it randomly started bleeding and hurting again.
I want a new, Teflon anus for Christmas.

Re: not healing :(

Postby Fissulyna » 14 Nov 2007, 21:19

Best of luck Juney !!!!!
G, I wish for the same thing :D , although I want it to be KEVLAR ; )))))) !!!!!!!
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