OMG the evil has returned

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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 14:48

marg6043 wrote:3 years now, yes, the evil never truly goes away to begin with, I got the feeling that fissures that are truly chronic never heal completely, we either get used to them or manage them so well that we can have some type of normacy for a while until a flare up comes our way and while it is never as bad as the first time we got them they still a pain in the butt.
Sorry to hear that your fissure is back in town for a visit. Image

Marg, you are so on target......I believe I've had fissure tears before, because the pain I began feeling with this one, kinda was the same back then..... but I would just sum it up as a bad bm and yes, with a day or two maybe a week, the pain would subside and just go away. So I never knew anything about fissures or learned about them until now.....I think this time around what took mine into the Chronic phase was of my own making. I use to drink this tea called SmoothMove and I was religious about drinking it. I would eat all the wrong foods and then at night drink this tea to have a bm the next morning....well low and behold.....constant diarhea can cause fissures too......Ereeka!! I was foolish and brought this own myself and I will pay for it the rest of my life, I'm sure.
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby marg6043 » 26 Feb 2013, 14:57

GGky1959 I agree, for 30 years what i thought was hems was nothing but fissures, after I got the doctor's diagnostic that It was no hems what I had, I realized that its been fissures all this years, they will flare up, go away even for years to come back again.
The chronic diarrhea I developed after surgery was the cherry on the top of a long time problem.
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby coconut » 26 Feb 2013, 15:01

GGky1959 wrote:
coconut wrote:
jr2 wrote:Actually, I have a theory that because it is colorectal surgeons who deal with anuses, it's a big reason we have so much trouble getting fissures taken more seriously. Colorectal surgeons have little interest in the mere fissure, which they find boring and probably unpleasant to deal with. What interests them is the bowel resections, the advanced surgical techniques to treat cancer, IBD, and a host of other things they find infinitely more interesting. THey see someone walk into their office with a fissure right after seeing a patient who needs their colon removed and they are likely going to be a bit dismissive of the fissure patient. I would rather see clinics set up specifically with specialists to treat only problems of the anus/rectum where all the latest and best, least invasive treatments are available, including western/traditional, acpuncture/herbal, homeopathic, and physical therapy. As common as hemorrhoids and fissures and other anal problems are, it would be a booming business.
I'm so sorry you've had a relapse. I too am not the biggest fan of LIS, not only because I am not a candidate for it, but because as more research comes out we keep finding out that sphincter function disruption in the more long term (like years down the line) is actually quite higher than previously thought. We need more and better options.

It occurs to me that chronic fissures are more like ulcers than injuries. Why don't we treat them like that? I wouldn't want to do anti-biotics because of the constipation factor, but why not use local antibiotics? Why not wound care instead of simply loosening the sphincter?
There's a story on the boards of a man who had multiple chronic fissures. He tested negative for crohns, but they gave him the medicine as if he had crohns, and it all healed in a matter of weeks. I have a friend who's fissures disappeared when she discovered that she is gluten intolerant and cut that out of her diet.
It just seems to me that most people who don't respond to basic methods must have something going on more than just a tight sphincter.
I wonder if anyone has tried giving themselves enemas loaded with antibiotics or antacids. (I'm not suggesting anyone try, I'm just wondering if its happened.)

CoCO thanks for bringing that up....I'm definately gonna purpose that question to my doctor come this thursday and see how it goes....also my daughter is studying to be a nurse and she came home this weekend and she told me that decreased blood supply is somehow preventing my fissure from healing, it starts with a I and can't think of the name right now.....she also took a look at my bum and told me that that pink flap I had, which is healing, was a genital wart.....can't tell you how embarrassed I was to know that.....but I have had the HPV virus since I was a teen and I guess the stress of this fissure has brought it out. My daughter lives out of town......and it was a blessing to hear her talk so professional to her old mom...(smile). I'll let you guys know what my dr. says about anti bodies.

Your daughter is going to be a nurse! That's great. Nursing is a great profession.
You think warts are embarrassing - I just mistook my period for a re-tear! Image You'd think at 38 years old, I would be expecting it. It will be interesting to hear if the doctor agrees with the wart diagnosis. Students in the medical professions are notorious for being enthusiastic with diagnosis. I still get a little over enthusiastic with my friends and family. Every little bump and I'm telling them to get it checked out for cancer. LOL Its just my way of letting them know I care. And to be fair, I was right a couple of times.
How's the nitro cream today? Is it helping with the spasms at all?
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 15:02

marg6043 wrote:GGky1959 I agree, for 30 years what i thought was hems was nothing but fissures, after I got the doctor's diagnostic that It was no hems what I had, I realized that its been fissures all this years, they will flare up, go away even for years to come back again.
The chronic diarrhea I developed after surgery was the cherry on the top of a long time problem.

What is really many times when filling out doctor forms, I would see on this of what ails you today....the words Chronic Fissure....I never knew what heck that was....until now of course (smile)
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby marg6043 » 26 Feb 2013, 15:05

GGky1959 I didn't either, until last June when I found out from my doctor, I knew everything about hems, but never heard before "fissures".
The irony. Image
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 15:14

coconut wrote:
GGky1959 wrote:
coconut wrote:
jr2 wrote:Actually, I have a theory that because it is colorectal surgeons who deal with anuses, it's a big reason we have so much trouble getting fissures taken more seriously. Colorectal surgeons have little interest in the mere fissure, which they find boring and probably unpleasant to deal with. What interests them is the bowel resections, the advanced surgical techniques to treat cancer, IBD, and a host of other things they find infinitely more interesting. THey see someone walk into their office with a fissure right after seeing a patient who needs their colon removed and they are likely going to be a bit dismissive of the fissure patient. I would rather see clinics set up specifically with specialists to treat only problems of the anus/rectum where all the latest and best, least invasive treatments are available, including western/traditional, acpuncture/herbal, homeopathic, and physical therapy. As common as hemorrhoids and fissures and other anal problems are, it would be a booming business.
I'm so sorry you've had a relapse. I too am not the biggest fan of LIS, not only because I am not a candidate for it, but because as more research comes out we keep finding out that sphincter function disruption in the more long term (like years down the line) is actually quite higher than previously thought. We need more and better options.

It occurs to me that chronic fissures are more like ulcers than injuries. Why don't we treat them like that? I wouldn't want to do anti-biotics because of the constipation factor, but why not use local antibiotics? Why not wound care instead of simply loosening the sphincter?
There's a story on the boards of a man who had multiple chronic fissures. He tested negative for crohns, but they gave him the medicine as if he had crohns, and it all healed in a matter of weeks. I have a friend who's fissures disappeared when she discovered that she is gluten intolerant and cut that out of her diet.
It just seems to me that most people who don't respond to basic methods must have something going on more than just a tight sphincter.
I wonder if anyone has tried giving themselves enemas loaded with antibiotics or antacids. (I'm not suggesting anyone try, I'm just wondering if its happened.)

CoCO thanks for bringing that up....I'm definately gonna purpose that question to my doctor come this thursday and see how it goes....also my daughter is studying to be a nurse and she came home this weekend and she told me that decreased blood supply is somehow preventing my fissure from healing, it starts with a I and can't think of the name right now.....she also took a look at my bum and told me that that pink flap I had, which is healing, was a genital wart.....can't tell you how embarrassed I was to know that.....but I have had the HPV virus since I was a teen and I guess the stress of this fissure has brought it out. My daughter lives out of town......and it was a blessing to hear her talk so professional to her old mom...(smile). I'll let you guys know what my dr. says about anti bodies.

Your daughter is going to be a nurse! That's great. Nursing is a great profession.
You think warts are embarrassing - I just mistook my period for a re-tear! Image You'd think at 38 years old, I would be expecting it. It will be interesting to hear if the doctor agrees with the wart diagnosis. Students in the medical professions are notorious for being enthusiastic with diagnosis. I still get a little over enthusiastic with my friends and family. Every little bump and I'm telling them to get it checked out for cancer. LOL Its just my way of letting them know I care. And to be fair, I was right a couple of times.
How's the nitro cream today? Is it helping with the spasms at all?

Actually her nursing book had photo's of anal warts and my matched up perfectly, which threw me for a loop and she told me that nicotine, my smoking habits are preventing my pain meds from doing its job correctly, that I should give up smoking, that's why I need so much, which makes sense....but of course I'll have the doctor diagnosis me correctly.
As for the Nitro...I took one application yesterday after a bm and I didn't do another. The headache was just crazy. So what I'm gonna do, is take it once I have a bm and use it then. I know its not a good idea, but I don't want to be on this stuff unless I'm in pain. So far, because I got so happy yesterday, I had 2 spicy hot dogs, bacon and eggs for breakfast and chicken alfredo that I made for dinner...and of course no bm this morning and I know the pain is gonna kill me later....but when I'm happy I eat (smile). A trend after this next BM, I plan on breaking. So yes, it worked beautifully yesterday because up until yesterday all I had in my gut was bird seeds and water (smile). Which I plan on returning to after this next BM.....but boy did it all taste good!!!
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 15:21

GGky1959 wrote:
coconut wrote:
GGky1959 wrote:
coconut wrote:
jr2 wrote:Actually, I have a theory that because it is colorectal surgeons who deal with anuses, it's a big reason we have so much trouble getting fissures taken more seriously. Colorectal surgeons have little interest in the mere fissure, which they find boring and probably unpleasant to deal with. What interests them is the bowel resections, the advanced surgical techniques to treat cancer, IBD, and a host of other things they find infinitely more interesting. THey see someone walk into their office with a fissure right after seeing a patient who needs their colon removed and they are likely going to be a bit dismissive of the fissure patient. I would rather see clinics set up specifically with specialists to treat only problems of the anus/rectum where all the latest and best, least invasive treatments are available, including western/traditional, acpuncture/herbal, homeopathic, and physical therapy. As common as hemorrhoids and fissures and other anal problems are, it would be a booming business.
I'm so sorry you've had a relapse. I too am not the biggest fan of LIS, not only because I am not a candidate for it, but because as more research comes out we keep finding out that sphincter function disruption in the more long term (like years down the line) is actually quite higher than previously thought. We need more and better options.

It occurs to me that chronic fissures are more like ulcers than injuries. Why don't we treat them like that? I wouldn't want to do anti-biotics because of the constipation factor, but why not use local antibiotics? Why not wound care instead of simply loosening the sphincter?
There's a story on the boards of a man who had multiple chronic fissures. He tested negative for crohns, but they gave him the medicine as if he had crohns, and it all healed in a matter of weeks. I have a friend who's fissures disappeared when she discovered that she is gluten intolerant and cut that out of her diet.
It just seems to me that most people who don't respond to basic methods must have something going on more than just a tight sphincter.
I wonder if anyone has tried giving themselves enemas loaded with antibiotics or antacids. (I'm not suggesting anyone try, I'm just wondering if its happened.)

CoCO thanks for bringing that up....I'm definately gonna purpose that question to my doctor come this thursday and see how it goes....also my daughter is studying to be a nurse and she came home this weekend and she told me that decreased blood supply is somehow preventing my fissure from healing, it starts with a I and can't think of the name right now.....she also took a look at my bum and told me that that pink flap I had, which is healing, was a genital wart.....can't tell you how embarrassed I was to know that.....but I have had the HPV virus since I was a teen and I guess the stress of this fissure has brought it out. My daughter lives out of town......and it was a blessing to hear her talk so professional to her old mom...(smile). I'll let you guys know what my dr. says about anti bodies.

Your daughter is going to be a nurse! That's great. Nursing is a great profession.
You think warts are embarrassing - I just mistook my period for a re-tear! Image You'd think at 38 years old, I would be expecting it. It will be interesting to hear if the doctor agrees with the wart diagnosis. Students in the medical professions are notorious for being enthusiastic with diagnosis. I still get a little over enthusiastic with my friends and family. Every little bump and I'm telling them to get it checked out for cancer. LOL Its just my way of letting them know I care. And to be fair, I was right a couple of times.
How's the nitro cream today? Is it helping with the spasms at all?

Actually her nursing book had photo's of anal warts and my matched up perfectly, which threw me for a loop and she told me that nicotine, my smoking habits are preventing my pain meds from doing its job correctly, that I should give up smoking, that's why I need so much, which makes sense....but of course I'll have the doctor diagnosis me correctly.
As for the Nitro...I took one application yesterday after a bm and I didn't do another. The headache was just crazy. So what I'm gonna do, is take it once I have a bm and use it then. I know its not a good idea, but I don't want to be on this stuff unless I'm in pain. So far, because I got so happy yesterday, I had 2 spicy hot dogs, bacon and eggs for breakfast and chicken alfredo that I made for dinner...and of course no bm this morning and I know the pain is gonna kill me later....but when I'm happy I eat (smile). A trend after this next BM, I plan on breaking. So yes, it worked beautifully yesterday because up until yesterday all I had in my gut was bird seeds and water (smile). Which I plan on returning to after this next BM.....but boy did it all taste good!!!

I also wanted to add, when I saw your post yesterday, I felt so bad for you, because you seem to have it all together on here and I felt helpless that I couldn't offer anything. But I'm so relieved that it turned out to be not an serious issue. Listen, panic is apart of the course here...everything below the waste is suspect to impending pain and issues...that's just how we Fissure folk are, so its sooooo understandable that we have major concerns when things show up without warning. I never thought in a trillion years, I would spend the better part of this new year, examining toilet tissue after I use it and poop every time I shtttt. I mean, nobody but a sufferer would believe it. CoCo, I'm a senior citizen; my body is slowing down....I hate to hear your so young going through this, I really do.
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 15:26

marg6043 wrote:GGky1959 I didn't either, until last June when I found out from my doctor, I knew everything about hems, but never heard before "fissures".
The irony. Image

A medical issue that definitely need more attention paid to it. I am convinced there in no greater pain than ours and more research and time should be spent on it. Even with Cancer there's an end to it, a broken bone, there's an end, just pain and meds!!
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby coconut » 26 Feb 2013, 21:39

GGky1959 wrote:I also wanted to add, when I saw your post yesterday, I felt so bad for you, because you seem to have it all together on here and I felt helpless that I couldn't offer anything. But I'm so relieved that it turned out to be not an serious issue. Listen, panic is apart of the course here...everything below the waste is suspect to impending pain and issues...that's just how we Fissure folk are, so its sooooo understandable that we have major concerns when things show up without warning. I never thought in a trillion years, I would spend the better part of this new year, examining toilet tissue after I use it and poop every time I shtttt. I mean, nobody but a sufferer would believe it. CoCo, I'm a senior citizen; my body is slowing down....I hate to hear your so young going through this, I really do.

I don't have it all together. I'm just a few weeks ahead of you in this game. I've got my pain down from a 10 out of 10, to a 5-6 out of 10. Every time I'm not in horrible pain, I get a little high on life. In a few weeks, you'll have figured out a few things that work for you and you'll sound a whole lot better, too.
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Re: OMG the evil has returned

Postby GGky1959 » 26 Feb 2013, 22:20

coconut wrote:
GGky1959 wrote:I also wanted to add, when I saw your post yesterday, I felt so bad for you, because you seem to have it all together on here and I felt helpless that I couldn't offer anything. But I'm so relieved that it turned out to be not an serious issue. Listen, panic is apart of the course here...everything below the waste is suspect to impending pain and issues...that's just how we Fissure folk are, so its sooooo understandable that we have major concerns when things show up without warning. I never thought in a trillion years, I would spend the better part of this new year, examining toilet tissue after I use it and poop every time I shtttt. I mean, nobody but a sufferer would believe it. CoCo, I'm a senior citizen; my body is slowing down....I hate to hear your so young going through this, I really do.

I don't have it all together. I'm just a few weeks ahead of you in this game. I've got my pain down from a 10 out of 10, to a 5-6 out of 10. Every time I'm not in horrible pain, I get a little high on life. In a few weeks, you'll have figured out a few things that work for you and you'll sound a whole lot better, too.

CoCo, its almost 12am, and I'm in the worst pain of my life.......the nitro isn't working, the pain meds aren't working...I really messed up yesterday and I knew today was gonna be hell. I ate all the wrong things and now I'm suffering from it. But your right, I'm slowly figuring the game.....and the day you mess up, the day you don't stick with the program....this thing will make you pay. Right now I'm at level 12......a 10 would be a blessing Image
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