Hello thanks for all the information to all you healing post writers!
Short bio, felt a tear during bm in February not much pain no blood. Have felt with it before, even had blood before but everyone says “hems”. I’ve had hems since 25 yrs old now 44. After the split I started getting hems more and more. I have a high intensity job and a family with a newborn. Major stress unlike no other. ( alcohol, bad sleep, long hours, no sleep, bad eating habits, no sleep...) I tried to lose weight to lighten the load which is what I have always done in the past. Stop drinking, stop eating crap and cut the quantity down. No avail. After work slowed I took my kid to a birthday party and had the most intense burn at the tail bone site. The ride was an hour long, never felt this pain before.
Long story short and 25 lbs lighter, 1 doctor said hemorhoids( didn’t even look) suppositories made worse. Next doc said colonoscopy, got the colonoscopy and gastric said “internal hems, I zapped them and oh, btw you got a fissure, bye”
I didn’t even know what a fissure was, never heard of them, had them here and there but went away I thought. Got a little better after colonoscopy then got worse. Fast fwrd 2 months go see a crs and he rips the thing open and first time blood for 8 days. Mad now, and try to use the ointment called R6. Pain is up and down, now the “spasms” I’ve been reading about are coming in strobes and I now live in the tub. Next crs says I have a fissure barely looks, nice and gentle and says” you’ve lost weight, tried the creams and it seems you’ve had this for 5-6 months , next move is people get the LIS” I asked about the incontinence he said 93% and that he has done 1000 and never heard of it. I told him to give me a month I got this. Called in a week later had the LIS 2 weeks later. I’m in pain at 10 days now because I got constipated from coffee, benefiber or meds or all 3. Drank mineral oil and feel 50% better. O more internal sphincter spasms, those were the worst. I’m on the mend but my biggest question for all you experienced pros is how do I up my calories? I eat basically oatmeal, ghee, peanut butter, whole w pasta, brown rice, kale, salad, EVOO, apple juice, apples, peaches, prunes and barely get 2000 ca. I need 2500+. If I go there my stools get large. Btw I am starting miralax tonite and maybe a ducosat. 44yr m 190lbs 6’3. Thanks again. Ps check out Bambi posts she has some real informative ones.