Pain at incision site after LIS

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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 25 Jun 2014, 06:52

Hey-- just wondering how long it took you to heal afterwards? I'm currently 4 weeks post-op and having the same issues that you had with the incision site. Any advice or experience you can share?
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Roidsfizzman » 25 Jun 2014, 10:22


The incision was the last area to heal for me as I had some bleeding and pain at the incision site 4 weeks out. After a BM make sure that you are dabbing and not whipping as the whipping can irritate the incision site. I was told not be put any creams on the incision site. At 4 weeks out I had to stop the hot soaks after a BM and go to a quick shower to clean and then dry the area to help it heal.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 25 Jun 2014, 10:49

Hi Roidsfizzman,

Thanks for the advice! I will make sure to stick to dabbing. I was also told to stay away from creams by my doc, so i'm glad you could also confirm to stay away.

One last question, which might be difficult to answer given that everyone has a different experience... but how long before you were able to go back to regular life? ie. going out and not worring about being in proximity to a bath-tub or shower?
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Roidsfizzman » 25 Jun 2014, 11:12

I am 8 weeks post op and I try to have a BM morning then take my shower. When I am out and about, I carry "Tucks take along towelettes" in my wallet for cleaning because I am still a litter tender and the tags do not help.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 25 Jun 2014, 12:01

That's great advice, many thanks.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 25 Jun 2014, 15:57

Probably not the person you want to hear from but I'm still having pain 8 weeks post surgery. I'm not healing as quickly as I'd hoped or as I've read so many on here have unfortunately. I still have burning pain when sitting just like I had before surgery. I don't have any pain on bm though. My CRS removed one skin tag at the fissure site in surgery and then I developed another at the incision site post surgery. Great. Basically I traded one for the other. The new one is irritating and still a little hard. When I saw my CRS at around 3 1/2 weeks post-op she removed the stitches as they were really bothering me and said everything looked like it was healing normally. I also developed a rash and used a cream my husband made up for me (he's a pharmacist) and that helped. My CRS told me to cover the area with something like Desitin for the rest of the summer.

I'm taking Miralax at night and drinking tons of water. I was using a portable bidet bottle for cleaning but I'm wondering if that was causing more irritation, too. Just trying to be so clean to prevent infection. Sitz baths were really never a relief for me even when my fissure was at it's worst. Everything seemed like it was "hanging" in the little bathtub and I think that caused more pain. Sometimes when I was using the bottle it would hurt a little. Maybe just too much water or over-cleaning? I don't know. I'd just like it to be over. My CRS isn't a fan of stiz baths either.

Sorry this is probably not helpful or uplifting for you. Let me know if I can help in any other way. Praying you heal quickly!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 26 Jun 2014, 07:25

So sorry to hear you are still in pain 2 months post-surgery. Hopefully you will begin to find comfort soon. I also had a skin tag with my fissure, but my surgeon did not remove it during lis. It had never really bothered me (apart from its appearance). I was told by my doctor not to use any creams or ointments on the area.. but given that all patients and doctors are different, perhaps the Desitin will work for you! I agree with you on the sitz baths, they give no support for bottoms at all. I usually hop in the bath-tub for 10-15 minutes after every BM and aviod the sitz bath.

Can I ask how long you sit for until the burning/pain starts? I have an office job that requires me to sit for long periods of time.. so I hope I don't run into the same issue. Mornings are usually the hardest for me, and then as the day goes on the pain becomes less and less. I am trying to ween myself off of the tordol pain meds. I only took one yesterday and am doing my best not to take one today.

I will let you know how it all goes! and will be praying for you and your speedy recovery.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 26 Jun 2014, 07:59

The burning/irritation pretty much starts right away when I sit unfortunately.

Thanks for the prayers! My prayers continue for you and everyone on here!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Rachael 1984 » 29 Jun 2014, 15:06

I'm sorry you are still having problems. I am praying for you..... I'm sure you are just having a slower recovery and things will improve. I know if I overdo it with creams etc sometimes it's more irritating and I haven't had surgery. Could you try and ease off a little and see if it helps? Xxxx
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 29 Jun 2014, 16:30

Thanks for the prayers, Rachael. I'm praying for your appointment this week!!
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