Pain at incision site after LIS

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Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 21 May 2014, 11:33

How long does the pain at the incision site last after LIS? I'm a couple days over 3 weeks post-op and my incision site is really my only problem. It's so achy/stingy. BM's are okay it's the ache afterwards. Still hurts to sit and walk much. I don't have any redness, swelling or drainage it just aches.

Any advice?

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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Roidsfizzman » 21 May 2014, 15:07

I am 3 week post LIS today. I do not have any pain now at the LIS incision site, but the inscision site is still a little red. I am doing OK to walk and sit. I do get some nerve spikes for a couple of seconds at the AF spot and a fullness at the AF spot after a BM that last for about 4 hours. I have read that for some people the incision site is the last to heal. Give it a little more time and I sure it will go away. My doctor did not want me to use ointments or use anything anything else to help hear the anal area. I would talk to your doctor before putting anything on the incision area because it could impact your AF healing. Yesterday I did have a little trouble with bleeding and pain after a BM, but after the BM today no pain and no bleeding. Wish you the best.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 21 May 2014, 15:47

Thanks Roidsfizzman. I'm not putting anything on it for the exact reason you stated. Just plain water to clean. I've heard the same thing about the incision site I just didn't expect it to hurt so much this long. Occasionally I have some tiny pinpoint spots of blood, too but no other drainage or redness. Maybe the stitches are causing some lasting pain as well. I don't know I just want to have my life back!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Roidsfizzman » 21 May 2014, 18:59

I looked at my incision site after I posted and I could see a scab that is there and it is a little larger than I expected. After a closer look, I can understand why you could be having some discomfort. We both want to heal quickly but it takes time. I so much want a fissure free life and anything that appers to be an issue in the anal area scares the heck out of me.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 22 May 2014, 06:56

Thanks, Roidsfizzman. I'm waiting on a callback from my CRS office. I might try to schedule an appointment next week just to put my mind at ease. My follow-up is June 4th which is just 2 weeks away but I think I might just feel better having my CRS take a look a week earlier.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby Rachael 1984 » 22 May 2014, 10:23

I hope all goes well, and there isn't a problem at the incision site. Good luck. Xxxx
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 22 May 2014, 14:26

I spoke with my CRS office and I'm going to go in next Wednesday so they can have a look. She thinks it all sounds normal but to put my mind at ease I'm going in a week earlier than my original appointment of June 4th. She did mention granulation tissue and using silver nitrate. That seriously scares me but if it will make this go away I'm willing to try anything!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 22 May 2014, 15:41

Ok I've searched Silver Nitrate on here and that sounds terrifying!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby vdb324 » 24 May 2014, 06:52

I'm not going to lie. Silver nitrate hurts! However, it's temporary, and if it heals the fissure, I'd gladly sign myself up. Hope you start feel better!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 24 May 2014, 18:04

Thanks vdb, that's kind of how I'm feeling. If the silver nitrate takes care of the problem, I'll suffer through it. My fissure seems to feel ok. It's just my incision site.
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