Pain at incision site after LIS

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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby lotoflove » 12 Oct 2014, 11:21

Wow you been through alot as well. How are you handling it emotionally. I am a mess, I just can't take the pain anymore. It's weird that my fissure has healed but not my incision. I wished they would of stitched it up instead. Does this ever go away. Why would they do another surgery and cut if it didnt work the first time. That seems weird. Are you able to go bathroom without screaming in pain? I hope you heal, nobody should go through this. I haven't had a life for 9 months now bc of the pain. I only take advil bc anything else will make me sick.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 12 Oct 2014, 13:55

Some days I am definitely a mess! My husband is my rock. Without him I don't know how I would do any of this. I keep going for my 4 kids as well and just keep praying and holding onto hope. I'll keep going until I'm healed.

They would do another surgery if the first cut was too conservative. That does happen. I have IBS so I know my CRS was being conservative so I wouldn't get incontinence. I haven't had any thankfully. Even to gas which makes me wonder if it was too conservative. I don't know when or if I would do another LIS though. I'd really have to think hard about that one.

The only time I've had pain with bm was the 4 times I think I've re-torn a bit since surgery and of course before surgery. My main problem is sitting. My car and computer chair are torture. Even sitting on a pillow.

I know what you mean about not having a life. I've been dealing with this since September 2012. yep, over 2 years now.

Even Advil makes me sick so I just have to tough it out most times.

Hang in there. Praying for you here!!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby lotoflove » 12 Oct 2014, 13:58

Did your incision site heal?
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 12 Oct 2014, 14:01

yes, supposedly at my last visit with my CRS everything had healed and my pressure (with just a digital exam) was good. I'm wondering if this scar tissue is causing tightness at my anal opening and that's what's causing the feeling of re-tearing. I see my CRS on 10/22 so I'm hoping to know more then.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby lotoflove » 12 Oct 2014, 14:07

My incision never healed but the weird thing is I am worst now and I don't know what he would do with that. I can't be going on like this. I have 4 kids too and my husband has been great but now I am missing alot of work which we can't afford. Did your doctor give you hope that you will get better or he really think surgery is the only option.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 12 Oct 2014, 14:21

Hey There-- sorry to hear of both of your continued struggles.
I am currently about 18 weeks post op and the incision has slowly and gradually been healing, probably about 65-70% of the way there. Also, the fissure is probably about 95% healed... I have to say that I am in a much better place then I was when I initially joined the forum.
It turned out that the reason for my slow/lack of healing was due to an underlying condition-- crohns :(
Not sure how much you were able to read on some of my previous posts, but I was having difficulty with excessive diarrhea and the poor bathroom habits.. add that in with a weak immune system from the crohns and you get a slow recovery. I was diagnosed a few weeks ago, and its been a rough ride... but time and good medicine heals all.
As for advice-- You should do some googling on chronic wounds, there is a lot of information out there on why these things happen. Also, if you haven't been already.. you might want to get tested for an auto-immune disorder. I know its scary... and probably not likely that you'd have one, but better safe than sorry!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby lotoflove » 12 Oct 2014, 14:33

CNM, I am so sorry to hear you have chrons. How did they dianose you? I have had so many blood work done put ct scan abdominal images etc before surgery so there shouldn't be any reason why my incision is not healing. Do you still hurt with not being healed? I never have diaherra and take miralax every night to make sure my stool is soft. You are in my prayers.
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 12 Oct 2014, 15:55

Lotoflove, me CRS thinks this will take care of the pain with the scar tissue. We'll see when I see her on 10/22.

cnm, I'm sorry to hear of your Crohns diagnosis. It sounds like your doctors are on top of this for you. I pray you continue to heal completely!
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby CNM » 12 Oct 2014, 17:07

They suspected first through a CT scan which showed some definitely inflammation in the small bowel. Then I ended up getting referred to a GI and she took some biopsies during a scope. Then that confirmed the diagnosis. I knew something was wrong after my BM's never went back to normal after I stopped taking the stool softners. So it was a good thing I investigated further..
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Re: Pain at incision site after LIS

Postby sotiredofthis » 12 Oct 2014, 18:32

Do you think the stool softeners had anything to do with it?
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