Pia's Fissure journey update

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Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby PIA » 07 Apr 2013, 00:05

Hi all,
I am now about six weeks post Botox. 4 months since new fissure formed. 5 years since first fissure occured (unknown at the time).
Had follow up with CRS last week. I had a bout of food poisioning the night before with explosive diarhoea that left me very sore for the visit. Image
He told me what I already knew...that I have not healed yet. I have been pain free since the Botox. I expressed my frustration to him that there must be a reason why the healing is being hindered. Image I feel that even though the Botox has loosened things up enough for me to be pain free it is still fairly tight down there. He offered LIS Image but I discussed that I would like to continue on this path at the moment and have a top up of Botox before 12 weeks is up to give the fissure every chance to heal. He suggested I reintroduce the Rectogesic ointment twice daily to further loosen the sphincter..."good thinking 99" I told him. Image
I will continue on with the program as usual. You know. Diet, Water, Movicol, Prune Juice, Magnesium, Post Bm baths, Coconut oil. Image
I will investigate acupunture and kinesiology this week to add to my arsenal of 'Fissure Fighters'. Image
Whilst I am frustrated that I still have a raw gaping wound in my anus I am grateful that I am virtually pain free provided I don't stray from my management path.
I also intend to go back to my GP ( the one I have had for 30yrs not the young girl who had no idea what was wrong with my butt) this week and tap into his wisdom and get a referral to local CRS he recommends. The CRS I am seeing at the moment was the earliest appointment I could get after Christmas. He is a sweet young man but he does not instill me with confidence to go cutting into my sphincter. His clinic is also 2 hours from home.
I sooo want to be able to post in the success story section..just a little longer perhaps.
XX Pia. Image
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby Rachael 1984 » 07 Apr 2013, 03:32

Hi PIA. Sorry you haven't healed yet. Sounds like it might be worth doing the second round of Botox. You need to decide what is right for you. It is sooo frustrating when we just cannot heal. Thinking of you xx Image
Hem Banding sept 2012
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April 2013-Botox-Effective short term
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby jr2 » 07 Apr 2013, 11:35

I'm so sorry to hear that the healing progress has been slow, but also relieved to hear that at least for the moment you aren't in so much pain. It sounds like you've got a good plan, and adding back the Rectogesic especially sounds good. I've lost the link now, but I know I read somewhere about the effectiveness of Botox often times being dependent on where it is injected (implying the experience and skill of the physician is essential to maximize success potential). I wonder if you do opt for another round of Botox if it wouldn't be worth it to inquire of another CRS about their opinion and experience and success rates with Botox?
Did the CRS who performed the injection see any signs of improvement at all?
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby owmybum » 07 Apr 2013, 14:29

Ah Pia, must have been really heart sinking to hear you weren't healing.
I think your plan is a good one though... If you are at least pain free its very wise to give it a second shot.. You have nothing to lose by trying the recto again either... Two pronged attack!!
OMB xx
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby FLhopeful » 07 Apr 2013, 19:50

I'm so sorry to hear things aren't going the way you wanted but glad to hear you're having pain relief.
I hope you find a great CRS :D
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby marg6043 » 08 Apr 2013, 09:07

PIA, sorry to hear that you are still having problems with your fissure, I know how it feels when things don't go as we want it to go, after months of dealing with my fissure I wonder if I ever going to heal without surgery.
But I am still waiting to see what happens next.
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby PIA » 08 Apr 2013, 09:33

Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I would not want any one to feel sorry for me. I am very grateful for all the good things I have in my life. This fissure is just another challenge from which I will learn so much from.
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby PIA » 14 Apr 2013, 21:18

Hi all, A week on since my last post and I am happy to report that all is back on track and doing well. Keeping to my program is vital. Back to my old GP tomorrow for a referral to a CRS that he recommends. Managing to fulfill all my duties as wife, mother, business women, family councilor farmer and horsewoman.
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby owmybum » 15 Apr 2013, 03:13

What a busy lady you are Pia!!! I'm so glad you are able to get on with things in such minimal discomfort.... That Botox must be a godsend! I can't wait to get my dose!!!
I hope you can get an appt with the new crs soon.... Keep us posted!!
fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
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Re: Pia's Fissure journey update

Postby PIA » 15 Apr 2013, 04:19

Thanks OMB, The support from this forum is a godsend. I certainly will look to getting a second top up of Botox ASAP when I get to see a new CRS..I had a few days where the spasms returned and the sphincter was tight, I used the rectogesic for a few days but have not needed it recently. Have also dropped the Movicol down to every second day with good results.
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