I am now about six weeks post Botox. 4 months since new fissure formed. 5 years since first fissure occured (unknown at the time).
Had follow up with CRS last week. I had a bout of food poisioning the night before with explosive diarhoea that left me very sore for the visit.

He told me what I already knew...that I have not healed yet. I have been pain free since the Botox. I expressed my frustration to him that there must be a reason why the healing is being hindered.

I will continue on with the program as usual. You know. Diet, Water, Movicol, Prune Juice, Magnesium, Post Bm baths, Coconut oil.

I will investigate acupunture and kinesiology this week to add to my arsenal of 'Fissure Fighters'.

Whilst I am frustrated that I still have a raw gaping wound in my anus I am grateful that I am virtually pain free provided I don't stray from my management path.
I also intend to go back to my GP ( the one I have had for 30yrs not the young girl who had no idea what was wrong with my butt) this week and tap into his wisdom and get a referral to local CRS he recommends. The CRS I am seeing at the moment was the earliest appointment I could get after Christmas. He is a sweet young man but he does not instill me with confidence to go cutting into my sphincter. His clinic is also 2 hours from home.
I sooo want to be able to post in the success story section..just a little longer perhaps.
XX Pia.