by horsetrainer » 01 Dec 2016, 13:52
I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I'm going back to my colorectal surgeon today because my post-fistulotomy incision is so painful. I've never had pain like this in my life. When I wake up in the morning, I feel pretty good. But after I have a bowel movement, the pain is excruciating. I wipe as softly as I can, and then I shower, using the hand-held shower to carefully clean my anus. The incision is deep enough inside that I can't really clean it, but it drains after I poop for about two hours, a mixture of blood, pus, and stool. Nice! The pain after a bowel movement peaks about two hours after I go, and then slowly ebbs over about eight hours. I have had to take narcotic pain medicine because I can't bear it without. Interestingly, it has not constipated me. In fact, it has been more the opposite, I have been having diarrhea and have not been eating very much because of how awful I feel. I am on the chubby side so I don't need to worry about losing a few pounds, but it's not the diet plan I was interested in!