Post open LIS now fistula


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Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Mommylife » 01 Dec 2016, 11:16

I have an open LIS surgery 10 days ago. Last night when I went to the bathroom I noticed poop coming out of my vagina. I am worried that this could be a rectovaginal fistula. What can I do I see my colon rectal surgeon tomorrow he was kind of just being nonchalant about it thinking it's probably just discharge, but it was poo. So I've been reading surgery for these type of fistulas and they sound awful any experiences but this type of surgery or anything happening like this? I'm freaking out.

Had a hemorrhoidectomy in August, then open LIS surgery 10 days ago from scar tissue and anal fissures and now I'm having this problem.
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Savaici » 01 Dec 2016, 13:31

It is very good that you are seeing your CRS tomorrow. Until then, just keep everything clean and try not to worry too much. :smilyhug:
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby horsetrainer » 01 Dec 2016, 13:52

I'm so sorry you're having this problem. I'm going back to my colorectal surgeon today because my post-fistulotomy incision is so painful. I've never had pain like this in my life. When I wake up in the morning, I feel pretty good. But after I have a bowel movement, the pain is excruciating. I wipe as softly as I can, and then I shower, using the hand-held shower to carefully clean my anus. The incision is deep enough inside that I can't really clean it, but it drains after I poop for about two hours, a mixture of blood, pus, and stool. Nice! The pain after a bowel movement peaks about two hours after I go, and then slowly ebbs over about eight hours. I have had to take narcotic pain medicine because I can't bear it without. Interestingly, it has not constipated me. In fact, it has been more the opposite, I have been having diarrhea and have not been eating very much because of how awful I feel. I am on the chubby side so I don't need to worry about losing a few pounds, but it's not the diet plan I was interested in!
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Mommylife » 01 Dec 2016, 23:39

Can you tell my about your incision for the fistula. Like where is it located. I don't get gross out, so if you feel comfortable please tell. Right now I have an incision, from my anus hole, down diagonally into my butt cheek. For the open LIS, ten days ago, she literally had to make an incision , right in my hole and left it open to heal naturally. I had scar tissue around the anus hole and it had to be cut bc I had anal stenosis. So what kind of incision is it? Bc I cannot have another incision like this. For the first 10 days, I literally was screaming while having a bm. Would take 4 hour long baths. Nothing helped. I really can't take that type of trauma again. Did I mention I have a 2 and 5 year old. Yeah. Have to be mommy and can't afford anything else like that type of pain. Where was your fistula located at?
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Katie » 08 Dec 2016, 12:34

Hi having having a fissurectomy for my tears I have now got a fistula from the op! It's more painful then my tears!! I'm having an MRI over Christmas and then having a op in January as my surgeon has space she thinks it's not near the muscle and it's short but has to wait to see the results first before know what kind of op to do so the ops you have had was they open cuts or did you have the thread through? What was pain like? And how did you get your fistula please?
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby horsetrainer » 08 Dec 2016, 14:51

My fistula developed in the anus at the site of the LIS incision. Basically the incision just didn't heal and got infected. When he did the fistulotomy, he laid it open, so it is a giant, wide, long wound inside my anus/rectum extending into the tissue of my perineum. It's all inside, you can't see anything by looking at the outside of my anus. I can hardly describe the agony I have been in since then. But it's been almost three weeks, and I think it is finally healing a little. It will be a long road, though. My colorectal surgeon says that it will heal and he will see me every two weeks until I am "bouncing out of there" as he said. It's been one of the hardest journeys of my life, but I am determined to come out the other side.
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Katie » 08 Dec 2016, 14:57

So do you think the pain has been from the fistula alone or a mixture of the lis op and the fistula op? What was your pain like when u had the fistula before you had your op? How long did they tell you to have off of work and how long to heal and what painkillers are you on sorry for all the questions just not talked to anyone else what was really had a fistula xx
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby horsetrainer » 08 Dec 2016, 15:45

My fistula was a direct result of the LIS, and it did hurt a lot. But I think the pain from the fistulotomy recovery is worse than LIS and/or the fistula. But it hurt badly from the time I had my LIS, in August, until now (four months). He didn't give me a time frame or suggestion to take off of work - I am self-employed and can take time off so I do what I can. I'd say try to take at least two full weeks off if you can. I have been taking oxycodone and Tylenol and ibuprofen; taking hot sitz baths; and acupuncture. Try to get away from the narcotics as quickly as possible, because while they are necessary in the beginning, they have their own set of problems! I have also followed my surgeon's orders about resting and taking fiber. I hate taking fiber supplements, they all taste so bad, but they help. I take acacia powder and also an herbal digestive supplement with soothing ingredients like marshmallow, chamomile, slippery elm. Also I recommend trying to do comforting things like get a massage or acupuncture. I am trying to embrace both the surgeon-focused medicine and the naturopathic type stuff because I am open to it all! My naturopath does a fantastic thing called counter strain, it is so relaxing and makes me feel so good. Anyway, this is a really awful thing we all have uncommon, it's a good ting we have this forum!
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Katie » 08 Dec 2016, 15:52

Thankyou so much for your messages back today yes this site is really good! And these bottom problems we have are awful :( x
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Re: Post open LIS now fistula

Postby Katie » 09 Dec 2016, 15:38

Horsetrainer what did your fistula feel like? Did you have hours of pain and then just discomfort? Was your fistula full of stuff before the cut it open? X
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