Feeling really miserable

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Re: Feeling really miserable

Postby chachacha » 18 Feb 2015, 13:12

I have to admit that I was also very worried when I had to make it to the hospital after the prep too, especially on the first one, because at that time, I had to take public tranport (subway) and was terrified that I'd have an accident in my pants.

All other colonoscopies were done when I could go in the car, but I still made sure to take the prep a little earlier than was recommended, so that I wasn't still needing to "go" when it was time to head to the appointment. On all occasions, I felt the need to go while enroute, but was able to hold that last little bit in successfully.

I suppose that Moviprep may produce a different result though, so let's hope that we can hear from board members who have already used that product.
Fissure since about 2007
Fissure diagnosed in 2011
Diltiazem for two years - didn't work well
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Re: Feeling really miserable

Postby boodles » 23 Feb 2015, 22:49

I had rectal bleeding since the late 90's, when I was in my late teens. It was off and on through the years, I was always afraid I'd get something like cancer. I had a flex in 2008 where they found hemorrhoids and a small fissure. I remember drinking something to clean out my intestines and also trying to do an enema, but there didn't seem to be anything left by then. That was so stressful! That day, while I was waiting at the hospital, there was a tornado warning, so they had to evacuate the people, even those coming out of colonoscopies, to the first floor. That was stressful. The flex, although uncomfortable due to the air in the intestines, went fine and that was when they found the hems and the fissure.
So fast forward five years and I was bleeding and in pain for about two years. Doctors, (now I lived in Mexico) kept saying I had a hemorrhoid that they could see when they examined my butt and said to take more fiber. Didn't work for me. I was convinced I had cancer and would die, I wanted to die almost every time I had a bowel movement. I felt like I was crazy for being in so much pain and why couldn't my body work right? Finally I went to a private specialist, thinking I would have to have hemorrhoid surgery and that terrified me, but he said I probably had a fissure and the best thing was a LIS surgery. That was in 2012, probably when I found this forum. He explained the concept that my sphincter was too small and that I would always have the problem unless it was cut. I sure didn't want to do it, but it made sense and I figured that was my only way out of the nightmare. So I did it and it worked for me. (He did do a flex before the surgery and touched the fissure, Yowee! it hurt) Looking back I can see I did over worry about cancer due to the stress and pain. And from hearing about other people getting colon cancer. So I understand how you feel, but you will find a solution and if that happens to be surgery, try not to worry too much. Whatever your doctor recommends, investigate. You will feel better.
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