Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

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Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

Postby lisalan » 09 Jun 2015, 11:37

First time poster, long time lurker...

I have had a fleshly lump directly below my anus for as long as I can remember. It shrinks and swells throughout the day. I'm wondering if this is a sentinel skin tag? My mum says she thinks I had an anal fissure when I was younger, and from time to time I get blood on the toilet paper after a bowel movement. This has happened a few times recently, and it hurts when I have a bowel movement and for a few hours afterwards. The last time this happened was last November, so a good while ago. I'm now wondering if this means I have a skin tag? My symptoms sound exactly like a fissure, and it would explain the skin tag thing, but everyone here says that their fissures are excruciatingly painful and mine definitely isn't, It's unpleasant, but it certainly doesn't stop me doing anything. This is why I'm a little confused.

Another thing that confuses me is that because of another... downstairs problem... I've had that area looked at many times by many doctors colo-rectal doctors, surgeons, and nurses, and not one of them has mentioned the skin tag, or a fissure for that matter. Since I wasn't having pain at the time they looked at it, I didn't think to ask and I just assumed that it meant that the skin tag was just a part of me.

Can anyone help me? I'd like to be rid of the fissure (if I have one) and the skin tag, but I definitely don't want surgery as I've just had surgeries for my other issue and I can't be bothered with it again. If the skin tag poses no health issues, then I don't care enough about it aesthetically to bother with surgery. But if anyone knows how to make it shrink at home (I've seen aloe vera suggested?) then that would be fabulous!

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

Postby Tushi » 10 Jun 2015, 11:43

I have taken sitz baths with epson salts, use Calmol suppositories and Calmoseptine ointment, all these seems help. Also, I try to avoid long time sitting. Moving is important.
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Re: Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

Postby hurtinend » 10 Jun 2015, 19:03

Calmoseptine - where do you buy it, I've been to several pharmacies and they've never heard of it, maybe it's not available in Canada
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Re: Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

Postby rocket » 10 Jun 2015, 21:53

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Re: Do I have a sentinel skin tag?

Postby hurtinend » 10 Jun 2015, 22:13

Thank you much
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