Post skin tag surgery help needed!

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Post skin tag surgery help needed!

Postby Newbun » 21 Jul 2016, 17:25

Hi there everyone! Happy I found this place.
Long story short, my 16 year old skin tag was trying to kill me this past couples months.
I am 31 yo female, no kids, 2 skin tags, big one at 6 o'clock, smaller not so pain in the butt at 12 o'clock.
After my last episode this past month, I had decided that I needed it gone!
Tuesday, 3 days ago, I had the one at 6 o'clock removed. I really don't know what was done. Just some light anesthesia, knocked me out, and a lot of local. Where it was is really hard and swollen. I feel like there is some stitches but I am not sure.
The area is very tender.
This morning I really had to go, 1st BM in 3 days, so I took my Vicodin and applied some numbing cream and tried with no avail. It's already really hard and I am so scared of hurting myself that I contract instead of relaxing and letting it go.
I feel this urge like it is ready to come out all the time, but don't have the guts to allow it because I already know how hard it is.
Is there anything that I can do do make it softer? Maybe a suppository or something? I just don't want to make it worse by waiting or putting something up there that will only hurt me.
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Re: Post skin tag surgery help needed!

Postby Newbun » 23 Jul 2016, 20:18

Well yesterday was hell!
OMG the pain, the pressure, the need to go and not being able...
It's all in the past now and I can go back to healing.
If anyone is going through what I went, the advice I'd like to give is be persistent and not afraid!
I took everything you can think of, milk is magnesia, dulcolax, Metamucil, the works. I had cramps that made me scared of what giving birth might be like.
On top of the impacted stool, I had diarrhea.
What a night a had.
This morning I sent the husband to the pharmacy and he came back with mineral oil and saline enemas and also nitroglycerin suppositories.
1st up was mineral enema. What a mess!!!
Nothing coming out besides the watery diarrhea spilling around the hard mass. OMG, awful. And the pain... Having chills as I write this.
Called the doc on call because I was about to go to the ER.
He told me to try the glycerin suppository and try to break the mass myself, otherwise they would have to do it at the hospital, no thanks.
Suppository in, glove in hand. The urge was just a constant so no need to strain. I just lubbed up my fingers and pressed and circuled it until it broke off and the pieces came out.
At this point I was not even worried about the surgery site. I just needed it gone.
Oh man, what a relief.
And there you have it.
I have a lot of gas and bloating to get over but the pain is gone.
Can anyone tell me a good still softer that won't cause diarrhea or gas??
Thank you all.
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