by ouchie25 » 07 Jan 2017, 05:23
2 weeks post op: I took your advice and got it checked out by my GP. She said every looks like it's healing really well, and no signs of infection. She said it's just soiling which may last for 6 weeks or so. So that's a relief!
Other than that, nothing new to report, no pain on BM, but the very mild throb on the incision site continues with a BM, but I think it's improving as it's not even pain, just a weird feeling. Not really having any baths now, just wiping the area with wipes whenever I go to the bathroom to pee etc. My stools have been quite large and firm lately, and still no issues! I still avoid going to the bathroom and hold my breath bracing myself when I'm on the toilet just still out of fear - but it all just falls out so easily now!