test you've had done

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test you've had done

Postby mystery » 25 Feb 2017, 13:17

Have all of you had a colonoscopy or endorectal ultrasound? My AF started from constipation caused by fiber supplements. I'd never seen any blood other than a tinge on toilet paper until last week. I had blood on my stool & toilet paper which was unexpected & frightening. The doctors I've gone to do not physically look at the AF but order colonoscopy. I've failed to finish 3 CS because of allergy to prep or passing out before I finish the prep. I have hypoglycemia that does not react well to only drinking liquids.

Does anyone have any suggestions on testing that can be done that is not so invasive on a person with multiple health problems. I'm a senior and I can't get the C word out of my mind. Thanks.
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Re: test you've had done

Postby GilmoreGirl » 25 Feb 2017, 16:26

Hi there! That sounds rough - what prep have you used? I used pico salax, and although i felt pretty rough, it was quickly over. Lots of Gatorade and jello helped me from feeling like I was gonna pass out (I did the first time - but I've had two colonoscopies since that went well)

Do they want to do a colonoscopy to rule out inflammatory bowel or chron's? That is sometimes necessary, especially if you are considering LIS for your fissure (generally they take other treatment approaches if you have one of these issues).

If they just want to take a look at your fissure, is there any reason why they could not just use an anuscope? You may have to do a small enema before, but nowhere near the colonoscopy prep. If you're having lots of pain, they could even give you sedation during the scope.

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Re: test you've had done

Postby mystery » 25 Feb 2017, 16:59

Thanks for your help. Miralax was the last prep I tried & it caused migraines. I can't remember what the others were. They want me to have colonoscopy to rule out cancer & I want it for peace of mind. I did a home Cologuard DNA test that turned out ok but I don't trust it. The more Gatorade & Jello I used the sicker I get.
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Re: test you've had done

Postby GilmoreGirl » 25 Feb 2017, 17:18

Ah ok!!!

I wish I could be more help...I would recommend the orange pico salax to anyone having a colonoscopy. In what way did the jello and Gatorade make you feel sick? Would white grape juice or plain pedialyte have the same effect do you think? It's impossible to get through the prep just on water for sure
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Re: test you've had done

Postby mystery » 26 Feb 2017, 08:09

I have hypoglycemia, vasovagal syncope, seizures & multiple allergies. For some reason if I don't have protein every few hours & I drink broth & sugary drinks I just can't stay conscious. It's been a nightmare.

Thanks for your reply. I will check out the pico salax. One GI let me drink 2 bottles of Ensure during the prep & that didn't help either. I'm not sure but I think pedialyte has dextrose in it.

Thanks again!
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Re: test you've had done

Postby GilmoreGirl » 26 Feb 2017, 08:19

Oh dear - it does sound like a nightmare!

I have seen some clear protein drinks on the market - I used to bodybuild before this damn fissure. Do you have a supplement store you could check out?

Here's one I know of, but I'm sure there are others:
http://m.gnc.com/Optimum-Nutrition-Prot ... d=97150256

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Re: test you've had done

Postby mystery » 27 Feb 2017, 18:28

Thanks GilmoreGirl. The clear protein drink is something I will try.
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