coconut oil is working wonders for me

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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby Sufferingbadly » 30 Apr 2015, 23:52

Update... Since my last post, I've been able to function day to day very well. This morning I had a completely painless BM but I think I made a very bad mistake... I used a coconut oil suppository even though I had no pain at all after my BM, and it did cause me a slight weird discomfort after inserting it. Later today I had my second BM and felt stinging in areas of my bum that weren't hurting before... Yup that's right, I have one, possibly two new fissures!!! (I believe they are very tiny, yet ofcourse very uncomfortable and they are more on the outer part of my anus, where as my original one is more on the inside. Anyway, I can walk fine and everything but my anxiety levels have sky rocketed. It's very depressing when you feel like your starting your healing cycle all over again.. I am applying coconut oil but with a cotton ball since these cuts are more exposed rather than hidden... Oh and I believe I have internal hemmies that are causing me issues also. AND lastly, my fantastically healthy diet I've been on... Well it's making my stools wayyyy too soft, so I've been making some adjustments and eating like I used to, except drinking lots of water and not so much processed stuff. I'm taking more sitz baths again,.. I return to work June 8th so I am on a time crunch to heal myself. That's what worries me :(... Im not having the horrible muscle spasms like I had been having so I'm trying to stay very positive that I will heal..and being able to come here and rant about my feelings helps me a lot!!! (Especially cos nobody i know understands how I feel). Thanks for reading. Hope everyone else is doing well!
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby littlemax » 05 May 2015, 08:20

Hi think u had hurt during bm only but noticed while using oil..try using oil with finger using latex glove..just pour oil over it and insert it in will have effet of massage also
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Re: coconut oil is working wonders for me

Postby struggleisreal » 21 Feb 2018, 15:33

Thank you so much for sharing your success with it. I've been using some other creams and today I bought coconut oil with high hopes. I really wish to heal through this supplement and write my own success story here some day.
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