Cutting Seton?

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Cutting Seton?

Postby Dimitri71 » 05 Mar 2018, 08:30

Hi everyone!
I am in the process of deciding next steps and would greatly appreciate anyone's advice.
I have a transphicteric fistula encompassing approximately 30% of external sphincter (a mid level one).
I underwent a FiLac (laser sphicnter saving operation performed in Germany) two times, in October (failed) and recently during February . It seems that the 2nd try has not worked either unfortunately although its too early to tell...

In case it fails though my CRS is suggesting a cutting seton as he knows I would like to end this fistula matter once and for all if possible....

He told me that in the case of the cutting seton, post surgery, there is risk of minor incontinence: A sense of urgency and some weakness on flatulence (gas) incontinence. No major incontinence though...
According to my CRS The cutting seton process should be 10-20 days long.

Does anyone have any similar experience???
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Re: Cutting Seton?

Postby Dimitri71 » 09 Mar 2018, 03:07

Thanks Tech7four, I've tried this but it just doesn't work. Sorry to dissapoint you, seems like you have very close emotional ties to this product.
I'd rather go with science: Surgeons and R&D Scientists - It seems like it is helping me a lot.
It is true that with Anal Fistulae, approximately 2000 years ago, people believed that one could cure them with gum spirits and pine oil. In our times, everyone knows they just don't work.
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Re: Cutting Seton?

Postby Dimitri71 » 09 Mar 2018, 08:10

Well if you saw my thread it has nothing to do with Hemmies and fissures, it's about anal fistula.
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Re: Cutting Seton?

Postby Dimitri71 » 12 Mar 2018, 09:26

OK, Tech7four, thanks but NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Please don't comment anymore you are ruining this thread with your comments.

Folks in any case I would really appreciate anyone's experience with cutting seton and a transphicteric fistula.
Thanks to all & all the best.
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