
Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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recovery mode!

Postby Guest » 09 Dec 2006, 11:18

Hi folks!
Well, it's done! Here's how it went for me:
1:30pm: My fiancй and I arrive at the clinic. I am TERRIFIED. The surgeon takes me into his office, examines the fissure, and says that there's a few signs of healing. He gives me the ultimatum: get the surgery now or wait another month or so. He tells me that healing naturally could take months. He also tells me about the LIS procedure and that the freezing needles (there are 5!!!!) are very painful, but that's it. I begin to cry and tell him I need more time to decide. I go see my fiancй in the waiting room and he tells me that it basically boils down to how much more pain I can take. I decide no more pain. I wipe my tears and go into the surgery room.
The surgery: The surgeon tells me to put my knees on a little platform and lie flat on my tummy. The platform raises so that my butt is in the air. I didn't have to get undressed, just pulled my pants down. The surgeon injects some Demerol into my arm. 30 seconds later, I am very sleepy and totally calm. Then comes the most fucking painful thing I have ever experienced: 5 freezing needles in the anus, one at a time. I scream every time. Luckily it lasts only about 30-45 seconds total. Then I feel nothing. I remember mumbling some things and also I remember hearing the scissors snip. Then it's over, about 10 mins later. I'm so out of it that I am practically drooling on the table. I get up, pull my pants up, and go lie down in the recovery room.
The trip home: After 30 mins in the recovery room I try to get up but I get VERY dizzy with tunnel vision and nauseous. I'm told this is because of the Demerol. I wait another 30 mins. After 30 mins I start feeling a very sharp throbbing pain in my butt. The doctor says this is because of the local freezing wearing off. The pain is very intense, so I dizzily walk downstairs to the pharmacy and get some percocet. I almost passed out in the pharmacy from the dizziness. Finally I take the percocet and baby-step my way out. My fiancй and I had a good 45 mins trip on the subway before we got home. I was moving very slowly because my ass was in pain and there was gauze shoved in there too. I can't sit down on the subway because of the pain, but I can hardly stand because of the dizziness. Finally we get home and I lie down on the couch and fall asleep for an hour.
Evening after the op: I wake up and make myself some minestrone soup and brocoli. Standing up feels ok. Gauze is uncomfortable and feels like it's pulling at the incisio wound. The doctor told me to wait until the next day (today) before I take it off, so I have to put up with it. I have a good meal then lie down. We watch The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, which was hilarious, but laughing kind of hurt. After the movie is over I feel the pain coming back in jolts so I take another percocet and go to bed.
Today, Day 1 post-op: I wake up at 9am and expect to be in pain because the percocet wore off, but I'm not. No pain. I go into the shower and let the water run on my butt like I was told to do. The first gauze falls out. The second gauze I ever-so-gently pull out. I feel a bit of a pinch but nothing more. I'm scared because I anticipate pain, but there is none. I sit in warm soapy water for 15 mins. Then I get out and dry my bum by sticking in in front of a fan (lol).
11am: OMG I have to go to the bathroom for a BM. I'm scared but I remember that it shouldn't hurt so I'm not that scared. It happens. No pain from the fissure at all!!!! The only pinch I felt was from the incision wound. I bleed a bit, but nothing major. I jump into soapy water bathtub again for 20 mins. No pain. I get out and the ever-present post-BM burning is not there.
Now I have been sitting at this computer writing here for 15 mins and it still feels a bit uncomfortable to sit for long, so currently I'm typing while standing. I have only taken two percocets and honestly I don't think I will need any more! The doctor told me that I should be fine to go to work on Monday, but I might only work a half-day for a few days.
Also: no sign of incontinence yet. I'm not gassy right now but I had some bran so it'll come, and I'll be able to tell then.
All in all, I think this has been a positive experience!! I'm still apprehensive about incontinence so I'm keeping an eye out for that. I think this surgery should be done under general anasthesia at all times. If any of you are getting local freezing only, it hurts but only for a little while. Ask for Demerol and you'll be just fine.
I'll write more tonight or tomorrow!!! Thanks everyone for all your encouragement :)

Re: Genevi

Postby Guest » 09 Dec 2006, 11:42

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Image :D Image Image Image
THE GIZ Image Image :santa:

Re: Genevi

Postby Guest » 09 Dec 2006, 11:54

Wow, the thought of those needles is scary Image On the other hand, the thought of not having the af pain is thrilling Image
It sounds like you're doing great! Please do keep us posted....
Have a relaxing and pain-free weekend!

Re: Genevi

Postby Cheryl » 09 Dec 2006, 16:30

Image Image Well done Geneviиve - I moved you to your very own thread.. hope you don't mind!
Sounds like your op experience differed quite alot from mine.. and Giz's - we were both under GA.. but im so glad to hear you are feeling relief! You are sooo very brave!
Giz is very right, keep up the high fibre and even take some softener if you can, like colace, or sorbital.. 'just incase' :D
Well done sweetie, its all :D :D :D from here on in!!
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Re: Genevi

Postby happyass » 09 Dec 2006, 22:02

Gen, you are amazing! Image
I am glad you are well and had the strength to write to us here.
I wish you continued healing.
The only thing that concerned me in your writing was the soapy water that your bum is in. I don't know if you asked your doctor if it was okay to do that or not - is it?
When I had my fissure, I was advised never to use soap around the anus - if it trickled down from shampooing my hair or soaping my body, that i should do my best to avoid soap around and especially on the anus. it disturbs the ph balance of the anus mucous membrane.
Other than that, you really are a trooper to endure the freezing needles. I can't begin to imagine.
Bonne nuit.
King Fissure
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Re: Genevi

Postby Cheryl » 10 Dec 2006, 00:51

Good point happyass, I agree, Genevieve, I would strictly stick to warm salt baths.. soap will irritate the anus.
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Re: Genevi

Postby Guest » 10 Dec 2006, 07:17

[b]soap will irritate the anus.!!! Image Image
Image Image Image Image Image

Re: Genevi

Postby Deleted User 5 » 10 Dec 2006, 13:27

What were the freezing needles about...what type surgery was this was it LIS....I'm a bit confused, especially seeing how I'm going to take to *MY* CRS tomorrow.
Anyway, WAY TO GO! Image
Deleted User 5


Postby Guest » 10 Dec 2006, 14:22

Hi everyone!
Thanks so much to all of you for your replies and praise!!! I'm very grateful to have your support!! Well, this is Day 2 post-op and I'm feeling pretty good. I had two BMs today. The first one was painful and it bled because the stool was quite wide and large- probably all the fiber I've been taking in. The second time was much softer and it didn't bleed and only pinched a bit at the incision wound. It's the incision wound (on the right side of the opening) which hurts, but the doctor told me that it would heal up within a week. I'm feeling no pain internally/from the fissure. Also - I have no incontinence whatsoever!! I can control stool and wind no problem. That is a HUGE relief.
About the soapy water - I haven't felt irritation but I will take your advice and avoid the soap.
Hugh, to answer your question: yes, it was LIS that I had, but it was done with local freezing (and sedative). I wasn't under general anasthesia, which is why I had to endure 5 freezing needles. My clinic feels that the procedure is so quick that it doesn't warrant general anasthesia. It was really scary knowing that I would be awake during the procedure and knowing that the freezing would be painful. If you have to get it done with local freezing only, I highly recommend a strong sedative (I had Demerol). The freezing pain only lasts about 30 seconds.
I've been able to walk around and go about my business like normal today. Sitting is still a bit uncomfortable, but better. I took a Tylenol today because of a headache so I hope I won't suffer too much from that tomorrow. I think I will go to work in the afternoon only for Monday and Tuesday, that way I don't have to be sitting all day long.
Good luck to those of you going in tomorrow, you will be fine!! I was really terrified and I was able to go through with it, so I know you can do it too!! Make sure you have someone with you when you go home.
Thanks Cheryl for giving me my own topic!! I feel special Image Eventually we will all have our success stories posted here and they will help countless people :)
Will write back soon!

Re: Genevi

Postby Deleted User 5 » 12 Dec 2006, 07:24

Well, Ta-da.....I am scheduled for LIS in just a couple weeks! I get a new ass two days after Christmas! Doctor says I will have a two to three week recovery. Gonna needa lot of encouragement from youse guys!
Soon-to-be-new-Hugh Image
Deleted User 5

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