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Postby val » 18 Sep 2007, 11:11

I have been taking 5g of valium every night now , I think it's been about 3 weeks or so. It's helped enormously and I hardly get any spasm pain any more, and if I do it's not so bad. However, the last few days, when I get up I'm shaky and feel really nervous and weird. Is it time to stop taking the valium, or will the spasms come back? I'm terrified of them returning because I suffered for hours at a time really badly and I feel I'm getting my life back a little bit. What does anyone think?
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Re: valium

Postby Guest » 18 Sep 2007, 11:16

Hey Val,
Gosh, I don't know what to advise you about the valium. I wonder if when you wake up you are going through some kind of withdrawal? It just seems weird since you aren't taking very much though.
Are you taking anything else with it?
If you still have a fissure you may still get spasms though.

Re: valium

Postby val » 18 Sep 2007, 13:36

I react very badly to most medication, I can only take one kind of antibiotic which is metronidazole as I'm allergic to the rest.I even reacted to all of the creams I was given, and I took 1 teaspoon too many of MOM last night and spent the night on the loo!! I think it's something to do with my underactive thyroid and low adrenal reserve, which also means I'm slow to heal which is not helpful right now!
I think you're right, it's a withdrawal thing, but maybe that's better than the spasms?
I take it each night with my flax oil, aloe vera and ibruprofen, so those shouldn't make a difference, should they.
How long did you take valium for, Lecia?Did you take them every night or just as you needed them? And did you have to come off them gradually?
sorry for all the questions!
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Re: valium

Postby Guest » 18 Sep 2007, 13:56

Well, I don't want to seem like a valium-pusher but I think you are right to ask which is better? I think it is a quality of life issue and if taking the medicine helps you function and you aren't finding that you need to take more and more then it should be fine.
I took it on and off for a few months as needed. I have also taken klonopin which has a longer half-life that is related to valium for sleep problems associated with migraines and pain and I felt a buzz in my head when I stopped taking it. It didn't last very long and I never felt like I craved either of the substances. I am pretty sensitive to chemicals myself. I stopped taking the meds abruptly but I have heared that weaning is safer. How long did your doctor prescribe it for?

Re: valium

Postby val » 18 Sep 2007, 14:46

He just gives me 28 tablets at a time which says'take as needed up to twice a day', but I only take it once a day. Then we have to write out a repeat prescription and take it to the doctors and they just write it out without even seeing you!Do you have that sort of service?
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Re: valium

Postby Guest » 18 Sep 2007, 15:58

No-at least not for controlled substances which I think valium might be because it is addictive. Well, at least your prescription will last longer since you only take 1 a day. I wonder if you could get a pill cutter and cut it in half and see how that does you too!

Re: valium

Postby buttgirl » 18 Sep 2007, 17:03

I wonder if an herbal equivalent would be helpful. Perhaps something like valerian root or melatonin or a combo of valerian, melatonin and st.John's Wort.

I could sleep forever on just one melatonin. Now if I only had the time to sleep...
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Re: valium

Postby val » 19 Sep 2007, 02:34

Do all these herbal things go together quite harmlessly though?My life seems to be revolved around taking so many tablets and things!
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Re: valium

Postby Guest » 19 Sep 2007, 08:46

Well, there can be some concern about overlap. For example if you are on anti-depressants you may not want to take St. John's Wort because that too is supposed to affect serotonin levels.
I don't know much about interactions but I took melatonin for a long time on and off to help with sleep and valerian seems pretty benign too.

Re: valium

Postby Guest » 19 Sep 2007, 20:18

My poor body can't take anymore ad ons!

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