trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

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trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby happyass » 22 Oct 2007, 11:46

let's see what i have here:
peanut butter fissure cookies
fruity fistula jawbreakers
chilled colonoscopy punch
LIS licorice
strawberry skin tag sundaes with hemmy sprinkles on top
chewy sentinile piles
assorted fish oil, flaxseed, aloe vera, and magnesium citrate capsules
and the award-winning bobbing for BMs game
:/]: :<\:
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Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 22 Oct 2007, 12:23

I'll take a bag of chewy sentinal piles. Ummm, delicious!
Your creative juices have me laughing out loud here, Gareth...
Have you tried the Sphincter Sweet-tarts yet?
Deleted User 5

Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Guest » 22 Oct 2007, 15:02

You guys are too funny! Image

Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby happyass » 22 Oct 2007, 16:52

i love sphincter sweet-tarts!
just came back from the CRS store and got some new treats:
BM blow pops with a bloody cherry gum center
rice crispy botoxed bums
candy coated anal dialators
creamy abscess filled donuts
soft miralax and metamucil taffy
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Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 22 Oct 2007, 17:49

Gareth, you mean you didn't find any Milk of Macabre? Image
Deleted User 5

Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Guest » 22 Oct 2007, 20:47

You two need to lay off the sphincter sauce! Image

Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Oct 2007, 00:09

ahahahahaha, you guys are CRAZY !!!!! I told everybody that i will dress-up as anal fissure because that is the scariest thing of all but nobody "got it" - of course, nobody had one , nehhh...So, I am not dressing up this year - first time ever : ((((. Just don't have energy for that and i will be in the bathroom at least twice from 5 to 11 pm - taking off costume and putting it on again and again would be so much hustle. Halloween used to be my fav holiday (after Christmas),
had home parties always, dressed up more than my kids...(sigh), what person to do ??? ; ( NEXT year I will double the fun though !!!!! I will cut out this thing in my butt till the end of this year if it does not improve soon !!!!!!
I like your costumes Lecia and Kimbo !!!!! I was "German Girl" last year, dirndl and all ; )), my hubby had leaderhose and Tirolian otfit he brought from business trip to Germany, ah it was so much fun, we danced polka and spke withs zi german accent - I will miss Halloween so much this year : (.
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Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Deleted User 5 » 30 Oct 2007, 07:12

Hi Fissulyne,
We were all hoping you'd dress up and post your costume for us! Ah! Maybe next year!!
Deleted User 5

Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby buttgirl » 30 Oct 2007, 14:43

This is hilarious. I especially like how the "assorted fish oil, flaxseed, aloe vera, and magnesium citrate capsules" were gross enough to leave as is.

what about nifedipine nerds (they're the lazy relaxed ones) or gum holes with juicy, red, cherry flavored squirts on the inside.
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Re: trick or treat! i want something good to eat!

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Oct 2007, 22:24

O my gosh, we just had an earthquake !!!!!!!!!! How I hate those! First I ran under the table than out and stayed there 30 min. (just to be sure the BIG one is not coming, which is overdue by the way -brrrrrrrrrr....). Maybe I will have my LIS sooner - I was just thinking how would I survive if there is a shortage of PRUNES !!!! hah hahhaa Kimbo - I hope next year I will be free of fissure and dress in something cute ; ).
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