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Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Oct 2007, 18:57

OK, here I am again - this is my third attempt to write you guys today - something is wrong with my new computer (or better said - I don't know yet how to use it properly ; )), but easier to blame the "object" ; ), right , heh heh ? So, first I want to thank you all for understanding, and for words of encouragement and support,
it means a lot <3, <3, <3 !!!!!
LECIA- I still use Klonpen and I will have to use it for life because nerve damage is hard to heal. Since I use it for 4 years now it does not make me drowsy at all- my body adjusted to it very fast, so it just controls my burning, which is good because my reflexes are great and i can drive without problems and do other things that need dexterity. I use some herbal drops and tried Benadhryl which help somewhat. I fall asleep fast but wake up around 5 am with my heart pounding like crazy : (((.It is all due to stress, I know...I will have to get rid of this thing fast, naturaly or with surgery or i will just fall apart : (. Thank you for believing in me overcoming this hurdle too as i did others- XOXO !!I also have those skin tags - oh I know what you are talking about ! If I am not in a spasm pain than they flare up and hurt when i walk : (.
BUT, every single surgeon said that thay wouldn't touch them ???!!! if they do LIS, like thay will calm down once fissure is gone, hope that is true !
PAINGOSOUTH- you guessed it right !!!!! I am from ex YU, how did you know ???He he, maybe you can recognize my accent even in my sintax ; )) !!!??? I hope you were not there during the war !What a beautiful place to lve was that country before hell pend up : ((((((...
ANAL ANGEL- thaks for hugs XOXO and welcome note : )
Have to send this now before I mess up again! I will write again!
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 19:48

Sorry you have had such trouble posting here but I am glad you got through finally!
It is interesting to read about your health issues and what things have helped you. I do think having AF or thrombosed hemorrhoids are more painful than childbirth. And the skintag was just as bad. I had to be careful (still do) what kind of pants I wear because the inside seam can rub against it and irritate it. I put KY jelly and A&D ointment on the area before I have a BM to protect that area. I also have to admit that for the most part I have to go commando (sans underpants) because of the sensitivity of that area.
Have you thought about using Cymbalta at all? I know it is used for fibromyalgia and various pain conditions. I take 60 mg a day. It must seem from reading my posts that I am a pill pusher on people!
Also think about the probiotics or eat some live culture yogurt every day.
I love how you express yourself, btw!
Lecia Image

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Oct 2007, 20:45

Hi Lecia : ))),
I don't think that you are a "pill pusher" at all !!!!! I would try anything that might help for this or other conditions , natural or "artificial" just to be able to live normal life - to be mother to my children and a wife to my husband ,good friend ,helpful daughter, part of this world, to say it in a more simple way. I would rather have short and productive life than save my organs for when I am 80 - who knows if I will live that long anyway ; ) and who would need me than more than now ???? I might sound like some selfless person who finds purpose in life being there for others - but it is not true. I call it love, and for me that is one universal force that sustains me and enriches me like nothing else. I have all of the earthly goodies now , but they mean nothing to me. I got BC in Biology but never could leave my children to somebody else to rise, I look great but don't take pride in that either. I know that when all is gone and all is striped down the only true value is in what we can give and offer to others and be part f somebodies life, which is gone in a blink of an eye anyway. So, yes, I am planing to do some research about Cymbalta, and thanks for sharing that info with me <3 !!! I will do anything to be ME again, LIS - Bliss ; ), you name it !
Thanks for the nice words, I know that we can relate because we both went through "more than a fare share" : (.
XOXOOooooo....... Image Image
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 30 Oct 2007, 07:40

I think that is such a great way of putting it. That we need to be functional now and who needs us more than now especially our children! That really helps me.
The one thing that I can say through all of this is that my children know that they are loved and that is what I wanted to accomplish so I am happy about that. I may not be as active as the other mothers driving their kids here and there but my kids know they are special and wonderful in my eyes.

Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 30 Oct 2007, 10:10

Sorry I somehow overlooked your question for me. I don't know WHERE you got that 30% incontinence figure post LIS, but that is not true. The surgery has a 97-99% success rate gieven all the information i have read, and incontinence occurs in about .01%. That is a low number.
My only complications from the LIS is that if I do eat a lot of gassy foods and if I have just too much gas, more than normal, I will sometimes pass small amounts without meaning too. That still happens occasionally. But 95% of days I am 100% fine and have no trouble at all. Is that small bit of gas "incontinence" enough to make me regret having the surgery. NO WAY! I am SO glad I had the surgery and got my life back. I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Oct 2007, 12:10

Thanks Kimbo for writing : )))!!! Oh, I am so happy for you - pain free and no serious problems after surgery : ))) ! I read so many articles on the net that I could write my own dissertation by now about all kinds of surgical procedures AROUND THE WORLD ; ) !!!!! It is so comforting to hear your story , it gives me so much hope that if everything fails I can have LIS and normal life again ! Do you remember what instrument they used to cut your muscle : cauter, scalpel or scissors? Three CRS that I saw all used different cutting devices ?!? Did you have any skin tags and if yes, did they remove them too?
Thanks a lot in advance : ). I have check-up app. with my CRS in an hour - how I hate those : (, I always beg not to be examened but just to take a peak externally. I have to go to get refill for my Nitro cream . My stomach is already churning like crazy ....: ( :no:
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Re: Hi : (

Postby juney » 30 Oct 2007, 15:07

fissulyna, i just thought i'd chime in here since i've actually had two LIS surgeries, one in may and another one last month. During the 1st surgery i had a skin tag removed, and recovering from that was pretty bad. It left an open external wound, which took 3 weeks to fully heal. Some dr's choose to not remove skin tags for that very reason i believe.
That may have been the reason the first LIS did not heal my fissure. I rarely felt like i was making progress, and I continued to have the same pain for months after. I could still see the fissure and so could my Dr so he scheduled a 2nd surgery. It's been 5 weeks since that surgery, which was a very extensive one. he cut much more than during the 1st surgery. it's been a slow process - lots of ups and downs, frustrations and depression - and i'm still not healed, but i like to think i'm getting closer.

i just want to point out that, even after 2 LIS surgeries, i have absolutely no problems with incontinence of any kind - no liquid, solid, or gas at all. and the surgery itself is NOT THAT BAD. so many others on the board have had wonderful success with LIS. i'm hopefull i will too eventually. but in your situation, i'd say GIVE IT A TRY. you have nothing to lose by having the surgery. it may work, it may not but at least you tried. find a dr that has lots of experience and has done many LIS procedures.
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Deleted User 5 » 30 Oct 2007, 15:34

Hi Fissulyna! First of all, let me second that excellent advice that Juney gave! If your CRS has a good track record, then you're in good hands!
I never asked what instrument they used to actually make the incision. It wouldn't have mattered to me, anyway. Unless it was rusty!!! Image Now, I'm no medical expert, but a cut is a cut is a cut. I suppose there would be less bleeding with the cauterization. It's the only difference I can imagine...but what do I know? :)
Deleted User 5

Re: Hi : (

Postby Fissulyna » 30 Oct 2007, 20:58

Thanks my friends for all info and encouragement : ) !!!!! I just came back from my CRS who has an office one hour drive away from me AND she was running 2 hours late, AND I had to wait for compounding farm. to make my new cream AND at that point hit rush -hour traffic -so, it is 7:30 pm and I am finally HOME. I know this will make Kimbo happy - I had no chance to eat or go to the bathroom since this morning, ha ha, so I had only 2 BMs today ; ). So, it looks that I can survive without so many prunes after all ; ))) !!!! And, yes Kimbo - you are wright about cauter - I asked for difference today - it causes much less bleeding during procedure so healing is faster and she said that that way they can see better where they cut and how much because no fluids are in the way. Now, that was a good news - the bad one is that she said that she is performing LIS VERY rarely now because she is so successful
with creams and stuff. So, I felt like crying - am I now a freak of nature - the only one of her patients that is not healing , and on top of that I am not sure now should I have procedure with her if she is not routinely doing them any more : ((((? She didn't have a single procedure whole month !!!AND SHE WAS MY No.1 CHOICE - booooooo-hoooooo !!! She is such a nice person, very gentle, very compassionate, and very informed about everything. Yes Juney, you are wright also about skin tags. I asked her and she said that it would be just opening wound to a wound and that she does not recommend that at all. So, this time arround you will heal much faster : )))! Just hang in there !!!
Thank you both again for writing me, it helps a lot to hear from people who already had surgery : ) ! I hope you will get me some tips what to do after one ; ). I will give a try to those creams 4 more weeks , after that I am running to CRS ! I got now 0.4 Nitro (instead 0.2) AND Nifidapen (sp.???), 0.3 that I am supposed to combine - so help me God!!!!! My blood pressure is naturally low , with Nitro it was 90/70 usually, now I will probably crawl up and down the stairs ; (, I will let you know how it works ...
Hugs !!!!!!! Image
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Re: Hi : (

Postby Guest » 31 Oct 2007, 07:55

Hey there,
I know what you mean about those appointments. My CRS is 2 hours a way and she is always late because she is so popular and takes time with each patient, but it makes for a long day!
I think the regimen sounds hopeful. I haven't heard of combining the ointments but I bet that will give you extra relief. Does she do botox injections? I think if she sees how miserable you are and observes that things are not healing that she might consider surgical intervention or at least refer you for a second opinion.
I am sorry! Have you every tried Ultram or Ultram extended release for pain? I sometimes take the ER for really long days like going to the doctors.
Gotta scoot-I have a chiro appointment to help deal with the chronic pelvic pain I need to leave for. Talk soon!

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